Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maybelline Wholesaler

And now we remove the photo from our message boards, moralists who are nothing. Personal letter to Giovanni Falcone. END OF THE FIESTA

Dear John,
but the Lord shows his compassion towards you because
is killed you physically before the others had done so morally. All
now comopreso me, using your photo as a symbol of the fight against the Mafia.
See what the fate is cynical and coffin!
You had to be the symbol of victory and the success of good versus evil, and you end up being the symbol of defeat, of personal failure.
Just so dear John, your crime was to believe in a better justice, in an efficient and self-organization, in a CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy, the body that governs in fact the judges and magistrates) are not independent enough to baste media processes and effects.
you believe, and the 'have made it pay.
Who? Your own colleagues, the State has abandoned you, your many Judges of your own false friends and loved that current DEMOCRATIC JUDICIARY, close to the current PDS.
They do not have elected, even worse, you have failed, again you have failed because you were not suitable for making the Public Prosecutor in Palermo.
On the other hand you said yourself your very few friends "pollute first and then I'll kill me."
When the weather in Palermo had become heavy and you gave the cards to open investigations into street vendors, on the occupiers of the platform on illegal stalls, where they gave you these investigations, even when the prosecutor Giammanco gave you these investigations, you will rightly Palermo sentisti humiliated and left it and you went to work at the Department Prison of the Ministry of Justice that the time was headed by the Socialist Minister Claudio Martelli.
I had never done, dear John, what was your mortal blow. The area of \u200b\u200bthe PDS
DEMOCRATIC JUDICIARY Do not miss it: How dare go to work with socialist minister in full court media campaign that began to rage, and the first crackling of Clean Hands in Milan? How dare you John? From there the trouble started. You mettesti
you to work in silence and with the help of a few, very few mettesti down a project to build what is now called the National Anti-Mafia ATTORNEY so that you preferred to call the superpower of attorney. Technically he
inventasti you and by all accounts had to be a legitimate superpower of attorney, but it was not so dear John.
To be elected, you needed the votes in the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) and your current DEMOCRATIC JUDICIARY do not lean, you voted against it and you chose the then Attorney Palmi Agostino Cordova.
's right John, I'm sorry dovertelo remember, was the death blow for you: the envy of his colleagues was that you had rejected, by their competent and Cordova was better than you.
were so envious of your job every time he went on television, in newspapers, on television, on talk shows to call you just because you were the most competent and as good but only a few reporters recognized him and gave you light and space (Santoro and Costanzo), you planted the other knives and burned with jealousy.
Superocuratore mouth as you and after this defeat, which adds to the rejection of nomination to the Public Prosecutor of Palermo were two humiliations, but that there was no remedy.
Then you had the unfortunate idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to sue for slander and false testimony to a certain name Pelleriti sorry that you went to find in the prison of Bologna: he had said that Andreotti and Lima were the instigators of the murder Mattarella.
See you dear John! now there are judges who believe and take as gospel everything that says a certain Spatuzza! You
you returned to Palermo, you did your investigation and did not find any feedback on your inquiry and denunciasti.
As you jumped in mind dear John?
The PDS was so elated because Andreotti was indicted and almost everything you did jump in the air and denunciasti Pelleriti but not because you were doing a favor to the party, because you do not look at parties even if you were sympathetic and your ideology and your beliefs like everyone else.
There was the mistake to think that I could put the policy out independently.

not you forgive him before Leoluca Orlando (now DiPietro) will keep in the drawers accused of burning processes against Andreotti, then accuses you of Essert automesso all'Addaura bombs to create attention and you appoint the chief prosecutor in Palermo.
Back in Palermo and very nearly hated your city, but you loved your people, povericristi that these things did not know and do not understand and in fact confessed in private "people cheering for us." In
did you find the highway death, Riina & co will kill you physically after you killed the other morally.
The day after the unity (of a certain organ megaphone next title: "This time they succeeded, they have killed Giovanni Falcone, a hero of the fight against the mafia," but the next day on the Corriere della Sera journalist wrote:
"Yesterday, the Unit has defined Falcone hero of the fight against the Mafia, but sin that hero that was not suitable for making the superpower of attorney."
Poor John
that fate! Hated by live and dead lauded by .
If we believe that the mafia is still Riina and Provenzano, the Mafia's blood oath and coppola, the godfather of the mafia, then we publish what we want.
If we instead think that the mafia is to accept a recommendation from people discussed and unreliable for a place work, giving the bribe to obtain a contract to buy drugs from pushers, if we believe that this is the real mafia, then it is well to confine ourselves to follow what Falcone said in the meetings, rather than wallow in the false moralism.
When I asked an American journalist: "I speak of the world's most powerful mafia", you answered the "I'm sorry to disappoint you but the Sicilian Mafia is only the sixth for the amount of turnover and influence, weapons and drugs, fact is, madam, that we enjoy too much literature, excessive promotional activity that makes us better known around the world. "
Prime Minister Silvio Berlsuconi allowed himself to say he did not like the film as the Books such as octopus or Gomorrah, because even if beautiful and important and would bring this popular literature in the world. ... Open up Heaven!
How Sciascia said there are too many professionals antimafia around. ..

''mistress In Leather''

The life of Jose Luis Zapatero was punctuated by strokes of luck.
In 2000 his PSOE (Socialist Party) lost the general election against ' leader Jose Maria Aznar's Popular Party wins the elections for the second consecutive time.
The Spaniards had awarded a government that was giving an impressive acceleration in its economic engine.
Zapatero in his party blew the presidency for only nine votes ahead of internal competitor Jose Bono and subsequent elections in 2004, unexpectedly won against all odds and thereby to lead the country.
Even that victory was produced by the attack the day before at the station of Atocha in Madrid, who made hundreds of deaths and the Popular Party government ran badly first by blaming ETA and only after backtracking and discover that it was Islamic terrorists. On the wave of anger and disappointment at the English turned their backs to the Popular Party of Mariano Rajoy (the new candidate) who had secured eight years of economic prosperity.


Zapatero began through social reforms (gay marriages and adoptions, express divorce, abortion) and maintained the economic blueprint that until then had guaranteed a certain stability and prosperity.
In short, he has developed a very effective policy, based on the principle of "socialism ciudad", which is to consider itself just what is deemed by the majority of citizens, at least according to surveys and surveys of citizens.
all doing well until a year ago when the creaking of the American crisis began to impact on the economies of European states and public economists coined the term PIGS, an acronym that stood for the initials of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain (although some preferred to speak of evil PIIGS where I was intended for each other 's Italy).
Faced with these alarms Zapatè what it does (as journalists call it for convenience)?
At first he denied on the severity of the economic crisis, then was forced to contradict itself in just a few weeks and submit a business plan & tears blood (Churchill style!) That surprised by the austerity and rigor is the his loyalists that his enemies.
The measures taken in the first phase of its government funding was based on a rain of small public works required by the municipalities in each region to splash the deficit by 10% (in Italy is 5%).
Each city would have its own signature skyscraper of the world's greatest architects like Foster, Piano, or sculptures and works of Calatrava (the same as the famous bridge that has created much controversy in Venice), not thinking about the lack of kindergartens care, education and health.
Zapatero won thanks to the votes of the Independence Party of Catalunya (Catalonia), and so the government had to adapt to the requirements of these parties (a sort of many Leagues Nord Padania), giving the reform of the status of the region which in effect equates to a nation even though everything should be approved by the Constitutional Court, thereby creating the previous one to other entities claiming the same concessions (Basque, Galician, Valencian ).
This really bothered by the English, Castilian, and to those who see an affront to give privileges to people who do not feel English.


few weekdays at is a violent controversy because it turned out that the English Parliament costs € 6500 just to pay the fleet of translators & interpreters that ensured the translation of what was discussed at the forum in Galician, Catalan, Valencian, Basque and Castilian.
The response of the socialist president of the parliament was "the language are priceless."
Another "offense" as a perceived lack of willingness to sacrifice everything for the benefit of the ruling class consists of the independence of equality sperchi that the government can cut but not cut to alienate independents. For
esmpio regional public television that all local governments, whether socialist or popular, nationalist or separatist sword to defend not to miss an important megaphone of their own cultures and traditions.
It is said that when it hosts a program of a 'private emiittente it is made up and combed a couple of people.
But when you enter in the studies of smaller regional public television here is that five or six people working under makeup, and another 5 or 6 of wigs and so on. At this
props we can say that if federalism, or more power to regions, leads to these things is better to tell Tremonti to give up!

the harsh measures it has taken

Zapatè finds himself in mid-stream, launches urgent action to reduce the deficit, freezing the increases in pensions, reducing from 2 to '8% based on income the salary of civil servants and government, reducing the fund that helps people in need of care (better known as ley de dipendencia flagship policy zapateriana) , eliminating early retirement, a bonus baby, the recently introduced economic aid to help and reward families with newborns giving from 2500 to 3500 €, and then cutting the costs for infrastructure.
This is a hard blow for Spain, considering that the country that has absorbed and made the most of EU aid Eurpea costrutia spent all the money for roads, highways, bridges, ferrorivie, subways and altavelocità.
Zapatero believing that growth would last forever, and promised that no arrest at the end of 2013, the AVE, the English network dell'altavelocità, would have reached and connected all the provincial capitals of Spain.
An ambitious plan but not impossible that cost 100 000 euro a year in maintenance per kilometer (200 thousand in the gallery).
cutting infrastructure weighs so much because it captures everything which draws the armature construction and labor.
Government asks for sacrifices from those who work have it than those who has lost a job because unemployment has rocketed to 20% (in Italy and the European average is down '8-9%). Just go
around Madrid and stopping before the exits of the subway and see people distributing leaflets advertising and delpiànt for commuters, people who until a few years ago was made up of immigrants and young students to supplement his pocket money but now is also made English people with many skills that take everything to work.
In hotels it is not a rarity to be greeted by the receptionist who has written on the plaque of recognition "test" even if the tasks that go beyond simple place training.


Zapatero's image has suffered fascinated with the whole 'Europe thanks to a formidable political image, communication, and many socialist parties of the old continent as well as our left did not mention that Zapatero and his actions in the social reformers.
The premier, also with a certain arrogance, over the years has done everything to gain credit on the international success of his government, stressing the "pecurialità" English, trumpeting the alleged passing on Italy with regard to per capita income , and the heel on France as regards the public system.
All vanished with the crisis and the credibility of Zapatè in Europe.
In fact, some commentators poilitici analysts and even his faction had no doubts on the ability of government and leadership of Zapoatè poilitica but on economic and in fact qunado Spain touched the rotating presidency of the EU 's accorseno some people's suggestions and recipes that were narrow and halved from the shadows on its economic situation.
So in Europe realized that the English had already got to see. About
some commentators like to quote a famous story happened in the nineteenth century to a English politician who was a minister and then ambassador. Of
he said "we already knew that it was not a genius, but we knew we only English, and now we have done Ambassador and will know all! "
Other than" socialism Ciudad ", the word that stands in the Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana says:" Socialism or muerte!
