Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blue Print Of Balsa Wood Bridge

About the Journal of Oral philosophies, arts and Journal of Oral Sciences

Orality is not half, nor a simple way of communication, orality is a method of thinking and a way to recover the 'authenticity of the "say", which is something different - even if not completely separated - the truth of the content through the "tell."
What is important is to tell the events in their immediate and perhaps prejudice before they are captured by the categories of interpretation of the contemporary global economy.
Orality not only has to do with the word sounds and images can meet the same requirements of the method, if freed from the shackles of coded patterns. it is not to pursue the myth of originality at all costs is a way instead of rebuilding a direct reciprocity beyond the infinite possible mediation. Oral
Magazine is also a way of making theater, show, in the sense that every time in every issue of the magazine, if it works, it is a circle that is consumed in the immediacy of emotional and say that only in fragments recorded playback may return. Back
orality is a look at this over the contemporary. In the era of unlimited possibilities of mechanical reproduction, orality has a chance unheard of, light and powerful at the same time, a little 'in joke and a bit' not to die.

Founded in 2005 from an idea by Toni Toniato, the hearing is a quarterly magazine, offers materials verbal, visual and musical artists and intellectuals, mainly operating in the territory.


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