Vito Abbruzzi
few days ago while browsing this beautiful book John XXIII. The Pope of Vatican II (Bergamo 1966), my attention was entirely taken up by the contribution of Pericles Felici entitled, precisely, The Second Vatican Council (pp. 226-257). This is a contribution of great historical interest because given by the then Secretary of the Council, later a cardinal.
reading this in 1963, it captures clearly the real intention of Vatican II and Pope John, who was the mastermind el'artefice "draw new vigor" to the Church, "always following in the footsteps of tradition ancient. "
Archbishop Felici These expressions do not hesitate to make his own, citing the speech given by John XXIII to the Preparatory Commission of the Council June 30, 1959 (the day following the publication of the For Petri cathedram ):
"The Council [Vatican II] is called, first, because the Catholic Church, in the brilliant variety of rites, the multifaceted action, in unbreakable unity, aims to tap new force for its divine mission. Eternally faithful to the sacred and immutable principles upon which doctrine entrusted to it by the Divine Founder, the Church, always following in the footsteps of the ancient tradition , intends, with fervent zeal, strengthening his life and cohesion, even in the face of the many contingencies and situations today. "
hermeneutic of continuity of Vatican II, then, and never break with the past, as, instead, we felt (and still feel) so many times by those repeat know little or nothing the council.
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