Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Long Staph Infection Last

Matter Dream - Roger Zanin - "The dream material"

What was that, that time, which prevented the old Uncle Karl (Marx, I mean) you're right? Remember those things like alienation, liberation, revolution? Perhaps his was an excess of materialism?
Nah, just the opposite: in fact he stopped to historical materialism and did not have the courage to go further, to arrive so the more rigorous and final "dream material".

You say: "Hey, it should 'calm down to put together words that pull in opposite directions. If you talk about on talk of reality, tangible, and that reality is opposed to the dream itself, which is illusion, fiction, nothing. "
But are we really sure about this?

Uncle Karl said that the material facts of which we are all called "social relations of production", which means, in short, that is the economy that makes the world go round, and inside this world we women and men to pursue the true raw material of all, that is vulgar and mean what we call "money". Got
perhaps the dreams of all this?
You will say that no, and instead here's the catch.

All men give their lives in search of the base money for what?
to meet their own needs, of course!
What needs? Something to eat, a rag to cover themselves, things like that?
Do you remember that passage of the Gospel [Matthew, 5, 26-29], which says: "Look at the birds of the air do not sow or reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. (...) And why take ye thought for raiment? Observe how the lilies of the field do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. "? He
Bravo! - You might say. This is poetry, if badassimo literally what He said, we still Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. But we must grow and to do this we must always create new needs.
But that is precisely what has cheated Uncle Karl, one not content to satisfy those who are his needs "necessary" to free it the rest of their lives from the requirements, from work, dependence on, chasing the other hand needs always new, to become a compulsive consumer. This is the real engine of the economy lead to ever new needs! That is to induce dreams, always different, to be implemented as soon as possible in increasingly fabulous shopping malls - so forgetting, among other things, to make a social revolution, which has become a dream of a third category.

This is also the essence of what we call the civilization of communication, our civilization. The Communication truth, falsity and fiction intertwine inextricably. Not understanding this means not understand how going on the world in which we live.
To illustrate, I draw from a major newspaper some time ago: "The man who turns everything on television is able to reduce the political talk shows and institutions, the leadership jokes in international competitions, the government in a festival, the old questions in a quiz, even earthquakes in a set. Now plans to make the election of the President of the Republic as much fun as Big Brother, perhaps due to remote voting from home. But in the meantime we need to see what is holding the trick. "[Curzio Maltese, La Repubblica, 21.3.2010, p. 35] How
holds the trick? But what are we talking about? This is a man who makes the good and the bad weather for over 15 years!
We call it "trick"? This however, is the true stuff of dreams, will also be an illusion, but this is what moves the blades of the large mill that we are all brought around.

Now, however, the real problem of the dream material is: why, even in the dream, I happen to live increasingly in a nightmare, or at least have the impression of having been cheated? Is there anyone who can tell me how to make a revolution dream? No, not for anything else, it's just that I would like to talk with Uncle Karl - and, given that there are, indeed, even his uncle Sigmund.


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