Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leaning Body Forward Pain

Hands off Barracks

During his speech at the ceremony inaugurating the academic School Officers in Rome, General Commander of the Carabinieri , Leonardo Gallitelli , issued this statement: "The Weapon is soon to launch a project that will progressively increase the number of stations that provide the service open to the public within 24 hours " .

Simply put the Commander in Chief and would need a continuous presence throughout the territory by Carabinieri.

Everything nice if it were not for the fact that our common Alunzio of San Marco, is in danger of not having a serious local station of the Carabinieri.

The rent that allows the weapon to have its head office is in its maturity and has yet to renew or to discuss a possible extension due to an economic issue that the current owner reserves the right to exhibit.

The main problem concerns the lease of the current offices and the lack of an alternative forum where you can arrange the local military command.

This letter is to request the City Administration, the opposition council and citizens on this important issue so as to press the authorities to take all ways to reach a solution and thus ensure the serenity to Aluntini .

Here we put some questions:

The City Council has announced the availability from the municipality to take the financial burden and logistical support to offer one of its premises and / or appropriate offices to transfer the barracks?

The Town Council is aware of the risk transfer to the barracks is running? The City has engaged the opposition council to discuss the issue?

The City Council has taken steps to inform the public about the state of things?

We believe that the Police always of San Marco d'Alunzio have played and continue to do an excellent job in investigating and prosecuting the petty phenomena, representing a year in the form protection to the population.

We believe that the battle to keep the garrison is now no longer be postponed for two reasons:

A) To prevent the barracks without our little mountain town becomes a free zone, a 'haven, a den where there is impunity, and all feels right to do what they like.

B) To give an image of authority to citizenship in light of the repeated thefts have occurred in recent years in the country.

With this appeal we ask the Mayor to convene an urgent need of his came to adopt a strategy that involving the Commander of the Carabinieri, the Prefect of Messina, representatives of the council to seriously discuss the issue .

Our proposal is to try to argue before the Prefect of the good will of the City in finding a suitable place to house the military weapon, relying not only on their right to be protected Aluntino but also on the tourism of our country, the absence of which could cause problems during the summer of public policy with the consequent economic damage and image.

Rometta time ago ran the same risk profiles and the then Prefect has guaranteed that the lease of the premises would be paid directly by the Ministry.

The realities are different, but we firmly believe that rather than stand still and hope for something to happen for the good of society, social security and peace of mind that for years has been the strength of our country, the authorities will move in together in concert and on sensitive issues like this. .

The "new group with Youth for San Marco" remains confident in the spirit of cooperation and interest underlying the civil authorities, however, should show some lack of commitment and little willingness to address the issue, reserves the right to set up a committee to collect signatures and Civic Protest petitions to put pressure on provincial institutional bodies in charge.


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