Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sean Cody Membership Deals


CHARGES, THE GOSSIP AND THE MORAL: The special 'of the City Council

We've caught, the jar is there, yet open. And they, gluttons, we're still licking the last remnants of the jar. We have caught red-handed while they were loans and mortgages wildly halter. Them what to do to defend themselves? Confess? Lower their eyes and head in shame ? No. They, as usual, overturn the omelette. This time is a bit 'hard to succeed as they still have their hands jam, oops ... of mortgages.

Group "With young people to San Marco, in an article published by GL Press reported real data, taken from a resolution of the council, but the victorious team of the past elections but inform and explain, wherever possible, the economic situation of our town, merely to respond with arguments both unnecessary and superfluous.

While they were writing about the gossip of some young aluntino we read Resolution No. 21 of 28/04/2010 by which administrators allocate € 61 000 for "jobs programs, studies and advice to professionals the industry. "

In addition to asking for three years for the elderly to pay for home care, we have increased the municipal surcharge and the increase with the money made on the skin of aluntini, gave advice gold to friends and perfumed professionals assignments!

As for the undeniable influx of June 2, we must emphasize that this is going to offset the sharp drop in tourist accused in recent years, especially as regards the field of school trips. Moreover, as the Palio of the Assumption on August 15, fortunately these events were successful because they were the private sector to take the initiative, and thank goodness, because otherwise they will put the pot in the square and came down and gave the loaves maccarruni cunzatu: their specialty!

Budget cuts have caused them any administration, but have always guaranteed salaries if they are not able to do so, are asked to pack up and go home.

salary, as expected "some" of our parents, I also expect many of their close relatives made. They try to make fun of telling us that the nationality of 200 € per month bonus pay € 600 000 Interest on loans: Totò remind us that tries to sell the Trevi Fountain to the American tourist!

If the external roads for years is unworkable system is definitely good for the whole country and thus also for us, in fact, "The Sherpa" had often dealt with the problem in several issues of the Vox Populi during the leadership of the previous year; but they settle all the roads, or only those that lead to the cottage of a friend? Respond by referring to personal matters is to be ignorant and a lack of respect, especially if you use a media world. We could talk ourselves of the private lives of vice administrator of a friend, but our culture does not go to such baseness.

We simply want the good of our country, so it is normal stress or request information on topics that most people unknown.

We hope that the next response from the administration, if you will, is to clarify our doubts and not another insult to our lives as a couple or fatigue we do every day to carry out a job, even away from our beloved country, in order to survive with a little 'dignity. Our policy is if you are able to respond do it with valid arguments otherwise for there is always scoop "Chi" or "Novella 2000".

also remind the administration that the group "With young people to San Marco" has unfortunately not been able even to oppose, then our silence should have been covered by the voice of someone else. In the next election campaign purchases we may also draw from your group, you have lost a couple on the street than it was four years ago ... is that you are able to put together Di Pietro and Berlusconi.

For us it is always better politically rather die standing than live on my knees like you.


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