Thursday, March 17, 2011

Make Donuts Out Of Pancake Mix

Cardinal Burke in Puglia: the program

From March 24 to 27 will be next in Puglia Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (ie the minister of justice and chief magistrate of the whole Catholic Church ), invited by the Department of Legal Institutions, Administration and Freedom and the University of Bari School Mater Ecclesia, an association of lay people formed to give visibility and implementation choices of Benedict XVI in liturgical changes.

Cardinal come to Bari on the evening of Thursday 24 and will be the guest of the Archbishop Francesco Cacucci; the morning of Friday 25, at the Aula Magna "Aldo Moro", University of Bari will give a presentation at the Symposium, "Liturgy and secular law", to which were invited personalities from academia, the company civil and religious society.

afternoon, the Cardinal will visit St. Nicholas, and then celebrate Mass in the Cathedral. On the next morning of Saturday 26 will be received at City Hall by Mayor Michele Emiliano, and then bring in Monopoli for a brief visit to the Cathedral. During the afternoon should be a Taranto visit the Cathedral of San Cataldo and greetings with the Archbishop Benigno Papa, that should lead to the celebration of holy mass.

In the evening arrive in Lecce, as a guest of the Archbishop Domenico D'Ambrosio, 27 on Sunday morning to meet with Mayor Paul Perry and then celebrate Mass in the church of Santa Chiara.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Watch Bait Bus Online Free

The continuity of Vatican II el'ermeneutica

Vito Abbruzzi

few days ago while browsing this beautiful book John XXIII. The Pope of Vatican II (Bergamo 1966), my attention was entirely taken up by the contribution of Pericles Felici entitled, precisely, The Second Vatican Council (pp. 226-257). This is a contribution of great historical interest because given by the then Secretary of the Council, later a cardinal.

reading this in 1963, it captures clearly the real intention of Vatican II and Pope John, who was the mastermind el'artefice "draw new vigor" to the Church, "always following in the footsteps of tradition ancient. "

Archbishop Felici These expressions do not hesitate to make his own, citing the speech given by John XXIII to the Preparatory Commission of the Council June 30, 1959 (the day following the publication of the For Petri cathedram ):
"The Council [Vatican II] is called, first, because the Catholic Church, in the brilliant variety of rites, the multifaceted action, in unbreakable unity, aims to tap new force for its divine mission. Eternally faithful to the sacred and immutable principles upon which doctrine entrusted to it by the Divine Founder, the Church, always following in the footsteps of the ancient tradition , intends, with fervent zeal, strengthening his life and cohesion, even in the face of the many contingencies and situations today. "

hermeneutic of continuity of Vatican II, then, and never break with the past, as, instead, we felt (and still feel) so many times by those repeat know little or nothing the council.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gislaved Nord Frost 5 Problem

Bible Black Japanese Watch


Stefano Gatto

had already happened in 1989 when the international community and the analysts were unanimous in not seeing anything of what was to happen in the Communist bloc, since they consider them very solid. Instead, what was but a police order misinterpreted, to temporarily open the wall, was a disaster for a system clearly much more fragile than previously thought.
Even the revolutions in progress in the Arab countries had not been completely laid, even those who had assumed just a few weeks ago or those who persisted in thinking that democracy could be the solution even in the Muslim world was usually derided.
A powerful combination of 1) Wikileaks, 2) facebook / twitter, 3) frustration of young people disappointed by the alternative schemes is both their Islamic and 4) hard economic times, which put even more apparent hypocrisy and inefficiency of these schemes has led to policy changes in a few days for which it was thought it would take decades, not days.
no coincidence that the first schemes to fall were those that seemed more solid (Tunisia, Egypt), becoming the benchmark for their stability: the very regimes that have used this surface stability as an excuse for not carrying out those political openings, whole or in part, that inevitably bring breath of fresh air.
Ben Ali and Mubarak has always been right, even not to pursue political reforms true, because when you embark on that journey you know where you door to democracy, incompatible with their personal regime. They knew that, and then the timid reforms of the facade, made only superficially to please the international community (not guaranteed seats to the opposition Islamist in Tunisia, tolerance of a number of external candidates linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt) or were withdrawn (boycott of all opposition to the latest Egyptian laws) or were used to co-opt the opposition less hazardous anesthetizing the power system (Tunisia).
For its part, the international community has always looked at from requiring a significant number of series of election observation missions, able to analyze in depth the validity of the process, or require more decisive steps towards a real democracy, always denied under the principle of non-interference related to fear of possible success of Islamic parties.
But the disconnect between people and systems has increasingly expanded, as evidenced by very low turnout at elections in force throughout the North African region (the citizens did not believe that type of election).
Finally, the coincidence of four factors that allowed the stillness became impetuous movement.
Wikileaks: it is often joked that Wikileaks would reveal little. True if there is only based on early reports in the press. As publications have followed, but it turned out that corruption and poor governance of these schemes was well known to all, including the international community. It was not just common knowledge: they know and have not done much to change this situation. Wikileaks was therefore a transparent effect, end the hypocrisy.
Social networks: it is the Arab public is often accused of excessive timidity, Pavor, liabilities. It's been true for a long time, but social networks have changed this reality. Allowing to overcome the ubiquitous presence of the repressive apparatus of the schemes.
had already happened with the green revolution in Iran, deleted as coming too soon and maybe in the wrong place, but that it was learned via Twitter in the face of the wall of silence, the Iranian media.
Facebook and Twitter, far from being the tool surface which is often strapped, are the backbone of the new political consensus, thanks to the extraordinary potential capacity of mobilization that has in it. Social networks have done the impossible, that political parties, trade unions, would never be able to do without that glue spontaneous.
If anything has characterized the square Muslim countries in recent years, for its liabilities to their governments but also for its ability to mobilize around the message of radical Islam, which made it even more difficult the inevitable progress towards democracy in the Islamic world.
This is another great lesson of the spring season out of North Africa: Al Qaeda and Osama have lost their potential to mobilize against the educated young people who do not pick up more to the proclamations of the bearded, but which require work, opportunities and democracy, as demonstrated by their satraps but also to a world a little 'disbelief in recent weeks.
The war on terror, Al Qaeda is losing not only because its ability to do harm by terrorist activity has decreased dramatically thanks to international cooperation, but also because young people no longer tremble at that battle cry. The Islamic fundamentalist recruits only the most secluded areas, tribal and out of modernity: the fact that Egypt go in another direction is the best news of recent days.
It was then also necessary that the political and social problems were added the economic problems that fuel the discontent: youth unemployment, endemic in all countries in the region due to poor economic dynamism, but in the prevailing system of paternalism and slippery of market mechanisms in contexts dominated by the families of the rais.
These structural problems came on top of rising food prices, a worldwide phenomenon that the schemes are struggling to control. Bread riots there have been several over the past decades: in this case, however, did not come alone, and it was not enough to impose political prices on bread and oil to calm the crowds.
is true, as reported by many from December onwards, not all cases are equal, in fact, the specific situation varies from country to country, and if Tunisia and Egypt were among their many similarities, he was not sure that the events Tunis could create a shock wave like the one we are witnessing.
For the moment, unable to contain the damage to those countries (Morocco, Algeria) in which, while not lacking elements common to those in Egypt and Tunisia, have been introduced over the years, significant reforms. In Morocco, Mohammed VI has a reputation as a monarch "open" that the regents did not have fallen.
And not remained static in recent years, while firmly holding the reins of power (the system "Makhzen). Even Algeria, although not free from political and economic problems, has always held elections, though in one case boycotted by the opposition. But Bouteflika is not devoid of political charisma, even if sometimes excessive, and is seen by Algerians as the one that ended the civil war.
In Algeria, the response to the international economic crisis was also a re-appropriation by the state of the economy that has brought some benefits.
This is not to say that Morocco and Algeria are not obliged to deepen economic reforms and policies needed to give vent to pent-up energies in those countries. However, we believe that there are reasons for thinking that those political systems can be kept, now speeding up reforms already hewn.
The Libyan regime is finished: dictatorship without contemplation or attempts graceful facade of the West, is a country which has always reserved a willingness exaggerated the "mad" Gaddafi has always allowed all, especially since he renounced the nuclear threat and express the support of international terrorism.
In exchange for those decisions, and oil, have tolerated the situations and attitudes Libyans who were never allowed any other country in the world.
Gaddafi, lost the ability to integrate the Arab world around him, has devoted the last ten - fifteen years to create a part of Africa, which has had disastrous consequences on democracy in Africa subshariana. The next fall of the "King of Kings of Africa" \u200b\u200b(small using the title on the continent) unfortunately will not be painless, but the veil of hypocrisy that has protected his regime for years has finally fallen. The disappearance of the regime
Jamariya is a 'good news for the world, even if you open complex scenarios, given the absolutism in which Gaddafi and his clan have maintained power for decades.
As the international community has reacted to these changes? If the West has good elements of analysis, not used them but never really successful, taken hostage by the catastrophic discourse of "wise men" on the southern shores of the Mediterranean. The triple mortgage of fear Islam, the dependence on hydrocarbons and the perennial threat of mass migration has hibernated the political fantasy Western countries, which have always moved on a schedule drawn by dictators South
not recognize the election results of 1992 in Algeria was the original sin, which dragged the country into a bloody civil war. The Palestinian elections won by Hamas and the difficulties in accepting this outcome inevitable, it is translated in the idea that democracy can not work in the Arab world because otherwise "the bad guys win."
This idea has so far blocked the region, but the other great lesson of these days is that Islamists are not the protagonists of the revolution, but the common people. Even the Arabs may want democracy, even though many costs to accept the idea.
The duty of the rest of the world is now to accommodate these revolutions, as we did in order to support the four countries that abruptly abandoned communism.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the same analysts who did not see anything coming to the conclusion that hastened the death of communism supposedly a true joy and rapid transition to capitalism. It was so, but as part of a process fraught with difficulties. In fact, the transition went better in those countries that could join the European Union (the enlargement is an extraordinary success of European foreign policy, often criticized for his supposed invisibility: Well, what that was a hit so big that it is now easy and unfair to give it for granted).
Why is integration in a political space as ambitious as the EU that has allowed those countries to properly complete the process of change. Sorry if it is little.
The transition has been rather poor in all those countries that remained outside the EU, and are part of the policy. In that case, the stimulus resulting from this partnership was not enough to enable them to complete that process, and much remains to be done.
Against the Islamic world today opens a very interesting little perspective: the people have shown the fallacy of the idea that Muslims "need a dictator": humanity evolves, and democracy is the next date for them. If in the case of communist countries had underestimated the difficulties, today we overestimate, judging it impossible to progress towards democracy in those nations. It is not true: it will be difficult, but we just use the experience of the nineties to trace a path of help.
The West's interest to help this wave expansion of democracy to consolidate.
will be long and difficult but necessary. The alternatives are the barbarism and chaos.
The international community has not been particularly effective in "state - building" and "democracy - building" in Afghanistan, Timor, the Balkans have not missed even blatant errors. But the case of the EU enlargement to the east provides a good example: when there is a clear medium-term perspective of where you are going, you can plot the right course. In the case of Eastern European countries joining the EU was, and it worked.
In the case of the Mediterranean countries is real democracy, without any preclusion for Muslim democracy, a fact which has already proved its worth in Turkey. Clear that there will be tensions and retreats, but hardly the heroes of Tahrir Square content with less. We must overcome our prejudices, to deepen the analysis and offer assistance where necessary. Possible that the timing of elections in Tunisia and Egypt are too short: in six months we do not build a network of parties and structures that can compete in elections or reform can be properly made laws on purpose to elect dictators.
would not be so severe that the time is stretched a bit '. But without losing sight of the final perspective, which can not be other that democracy.
The democratic revolution that Bush wanted to bring Iraq to the rest of the Arab world has failed miserably, a victim of its own hypocrisy end: what you wanted schemes were docile behind a veneer of democracy. But the approach also failed fundamentalist Osama bin Laden.
Europe has a card to play: not critichiamola for its timidity of these days it is too early for you to put forth a new set of foreign policy born from a few months and have not yet been tried and tested. However, by the way, no one else has done better, and someone has done worse, expressing opinions that are very low preference for a discreet silence.
The EU can do much to support democratization, when and how that will be needed, and to finally give substance to that union for the Mediterranean which has hitherto been held hostage by the bullies. That gradually leave the scene, leaving room for new scenarios. Where, in addition to the power of Facebook, you can also enter the "soft power" of Europe. It may seem a conclusion to the 'waiting for Godot, "but is perhaps the proof we needed.
The gap between Islam and the West can finally close again, as happened to that between capitalist and communist countries.

Stefano Gatto graduated at age 24: the last year in a kind of Erasmus in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen left to work in Spain 5 years in the private sector.
At 30 he married and he won the EU, moving to Brussels.
At the same time waiver to pursue a Ph.D. Columbia (it was admitted that same year).
Within the European Commission was willing to go to the sector's foreign policy: it was not possible immediately, the first place was to Eurostat, where, however, deals with cooperation with Latin America and Asia and traveled extensively in those areas. A
33 years passed definitively to the general foreign policy direction, towards Latin America. A 35
first place in Brazil (and economic policy advisor), at 39 the second in India (in Asia for deliberately not only become a specialist in Latin America, Commercial Counsellor, especially WTO). A 43
forced to return to Brussels (in two places abroad is the norm), where, having always occupied more than economic issues policy that seeks a place of political nature: in charge of EU election observation missions in the world, a theme that brought him to deal with some delicate scenes anywhere in the world (Afghanistan, Venezuela, East Timor, Angola, Cote d 'Ivoire etc.).
a very instructive.
known through a mutual friend, fond of football Siena, Juventus, State, and "small shareholder" of FC Barcelona. He writes about politics on
policy space, you can follow his actions.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Microwave Should It Be Turning

Find the metal detector 10 gold coins found in Treasury

Steve Bestwick has brought to light ten gold coins from agricultural land after spending years in search of treasure. The coins are currently being evaluated at the British Museum,
In terms of archeology, it's like winning the lottery. I could not believe my luck, 'said the 55-year-old, from Wigston, Leicestershire. 'Esco always hoping to find something important, but always ends up in the trash to find This time was different. The coins are not British - we think they come from northern France - so it's a bit a mystery how they ended up in Leicester.
"It 's likely that they could be given to an English warrior who has worked as a mercenary -. Anglo-Saxons were known for their fearless struggle and often used to fight for foreign rulers'.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wording For Archery Birthday Party

Lecce Presentation of the book by Nicola Bux

Friday, March 4, 2011

Congratulations For Second Marriage

old Mass, the statistics three years later to Taranto

Andrea Tornielli

On September 14, 2010, exactly three years after the entry into force the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, Benedict XVI, who in 2007 liberalized the use of the ancient pre-conciliar Missal offering the opportunity for groups of faithful attached to the traditional mass to apply directly to the parish priests, was made up statistics on the situation.

has made it available in the days Recently, the group Liturgique Paix, in a newsletter. The survey not only quantitative but also qualitative, was performed in thirty countries, those in which Catholicism is more firmly in mind: we have studied the number of the old Mass available, but their frequency and their time, considering, for example, whether it is convenient times for the family. It was therefore monitored the situation in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Poland, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Austria, Canada, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina , Australia, India, Philippines, New Zealand, South Africa, Gabon and Nigeria.

The information has been reproduced at least two sources independent of each other. The Tridentine Mass is celebrated in 1,444 places. Of these, 340 have put in a day during the week, 313 people Sunday Mass regularly but not every week and then, 324 have Mass every Sunday, but not at convenient times for families (ie outside the 'period of between 9 and 12). Finally, 467 sites have made every Sunday with hours suitable for families. In practice there is a family friendly setting every three (32.3 percent), while a mass every four is not celebrated on Sunday.

Interesting, finally, the comparison with Masses celebrated by the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, not counted in the first statistic, which has instead taken into account those celebrated according to the motu proprio. Field tests run by the groups 'Lefebvre' are around 690, almost one every two seconds rather than celebrate the motu proprio and in full communion with Rome. Despite the difficulties and resistance, the ancient Mass is slowly but surely known by more and more people.

The intention of the Pope was that of a mutual enrichment between ordinary Roman Rite (That resulted from the post-conciliar reform) and extraordinary Roman rite (the pre-Council has now been liberalized). But on this way to go is still long. Meanwhile, in the coming days is expected to publish a statement of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which was approved by the Pope, which would establish some points of implementation of the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum demonstrated in practice that is a universal law of the Church and must be applied.

(from The Daily Compass, March 1, 2011)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sprite Naruto Shippuden

Presentation of the new book by Nicola Bux

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does Ultimate Electronics Offer Layaway

Politics and Justice in my opinion and according to Labor & Lucia

The following post is an article published in Panorama long ago the alleged interview with Paolo Borsellino who accuse Berlusconi. This question-and- answer is the latest in a long series of discussions on facebook that I saw involved with my friend Lucia.
years is repeated in the last interview that the judge accused Berlusconi. It is not true. And that was not even the last interview.
There is a story that is told from a decade antimafia by professionals, in articles and books, and television broadcasts, such as in-depth.
It 's the story of the' last 'interview of Paolo Borsellino: before his death, torn by TNT in via D'Amelio under the mother's house, the court had handed over to a French journalist, a sort of testament, in which first, and two years before the descent into the field of Knight, denounced the relationship with the Mafia Silvio Berlusconi. The moral of the story is peaceful, if he said Paolo Borsellino, and his last words were, and long before the investigations and processes ...
What's true? Nothing. Other than the fact, well known long after, on 21 May 1992, two days before the massacre in Capaci, where Giovanni Falcone was killed and two months before the massacre in via D'Amelio, Borsellino had received at his home in Palermo , a Fabrizio Calvi, accompanied by a television operator, and had spoken with them for a couple of hours.
What they said on that occasion, the court and the journalist and the operator, and that the interview was obtained, and the investigation of that interview which should have been disqualified, had not heard anything. No way, nor two days later, when he was killed Falcone, or two months later, when he was killed Borsellino (and God knows if this was not the best time to reveal the alleged "last will" of the judge murdered), nor within two years. Until April 8, 1994, two years after the conversation between the judge and journalists, and coinciding with the announcement date by Mr Luciano Violante, the president of the Parliamentary Anti-mafia, a mafia investigation against Marcello Dell'Utri, Espresso suddenly appeared a "guide" the conversation. And they had to spend another seven years before, in April of 2001, the eve of the elections, an "assembly" of the movie was broadcast first by RAI News 24 and then by Michele Santoro in an episode of "green ray".
Only on the latter occasion it was learned from the voice of the author Fabrizio Calvi original movie that the interview lasted about half an hour, which had never been used, either in France or in Italy, nor was it ever been broadcast in TV never transcribed, in whole or in part, in books or newspapers, and eventually was lost, and the movie transmitted, which had a duration of ten minutes (almost only the third part of the original), it was only a "synthesis" (made with a system of arbitrarily cut and sew), and that this synthesis did not correspond perfectly to even guide , which is also partially released expressively.
But he says Paolo Borsellino, in this summary of the summary of the interview cut and sewn, so important in the relations with the Mafia Silvio Berlusconi, and Berlusconi, if not directly, at least Marcello Dell'Utri? Absolutely nothing. They insist that journalists with questions, starting from the usual "groom" Vittorio Mangano, and try something from his mouth, but the court obstinately refuses and escapes. Some examples of responses of Borsellino: "I am not aware of this incident," "probably is not the same interception", "Dell'Utri was not charged in the maxi trial, as far as I remember ...";" not know the details, "it's trial proceedings which I have not personally involved, and on which I could not reveal anything," "I do not need to ask these questions because I do not Dell'Utri because I personally am interested, from the point of view of my profession I know very little, therefore what I know is what can result from newspapers, however, is not a professional knowledge and point I have no memories, "" eating and Dell'Utri Palermo are both, is not a consideration that leads to any conclusion ... does not mean they knew, "" I know of the existence of Rapisarda, but I have never been personally involved ";" regarding Dell'Utri Rapisarda and I can not give specific details ..."; "I can not say about it, "" I do not personally deliver items to be ...", "The issue concerning the relationship with Berlusconi is a story that is not mine ... so I do not feel authorized to say anything. " But the false
the main point on which in recent years have more professionals antimafia insisted and still insist, that should affect most naive and ignorant, the most emotional and exciting for the false last interview, and that those on Berlusconi the mafia were "the last words" martyr's Purse, the further from the truth this is false, that the conversation with French journalists on 21 May of '92 is not the "last" interview Borsellino.
A month later, thirty days after the Capaci massacre and the death of his friend, Falcone, and a month before being killed in its turn, June 23, Borsellino receives in his home studio, in Cilea, another journalist, an Italian journalist, and it is said. This will truly be his last interview, broadcast last interview before his death in via D'Amelio. And it's really dramatic, and can be regarded as his testament, there is even a foretaste of what is to succeed him: "Since the death of my old friend and workmate of my life has changed ... I am a survivor ... I remember what I said Ninni Cassara where we were going together to the place where the doctor was killed Montana ... He said, 'Convinciamoci that we are walking corpses ...'. "And who
's last interview was given to those who gave this will Paolo Borsellino, shortly before he died? The Deputy Director of Canale 5, a television journalist Silvio Berlusconi. The martyr of the Mafia, the last time he spoke, he spoke with the "mafia". Lino Jannuzzi

article appeared in the weekly magazine Panorama in the usual Tazebao book, edited by the same Jannuzzi.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Symptoms Of Period - Wetness

Masses in EF Barletta

Every Sunday at 20:00

in the extraordinary form of the Rite Romano

Purgatory Church
Corso Garibaldi - Barletta

Monday, February 21, 2011

Difference Between Real Boobs And Fake Boobs

The modern churches that look like a god unknown

Hebe Gianotti

That the modern churches are bad is not a common place whatsoever. The assessment combines simple faithful for once, art critics, secular intellectuals until you get to Monsignor Gianfranco Ravasi, in practice the minister of culture and heritage of the Vatican, which wanted to mention about this topic Turoldo father, "today the churches are like a garage where God is parked and the faithful are all lined up in front of him. "
Yet several of the churches new contemporary architects are delegated to the most popular, and the problem can not even lie in religious belief or not the designers of the past if a negative example is the church of S. Paul in Foligno, Massimiliano Fuksas by a new convert to the merits of Pope Benedict XVI as he said in an interview. In this particular case, we are faced with an object that in no way shows some kinship with the long tradition of Christian churches. A huge monolith of concrete, consisting of two boxes inserted into one another and connected by elements in the shape of a truncated pyramid, silent, unlike the real architecture that sing, as he said Enzo Paci.
It is these elements - the type of abstract composition, the result of simple transposition of schematic and non geometric forms of the difficult process that, in the apparent simplicity formal condensation complexity and articulation - reveal their lineage from unsorted temples of metaphysics as it was designed by architects revolutionary Enlightenment in France in 1700.
It begins with Blondel and the facade of the monastery church like a tomb, where an obelisk to support the cross, continues with his most famous pupil, whose Boullee cenotaphs are the obligatory reference for any architect who is preparing to build new churches and underground churches which designs (no dedication to the saints, the Virgin Mary, to Christ, all are gone) seem the model of the Capitol in Washington or Paris Opera. Then we arrive at Lequeu concludes that the parable, after Silence of the temples and shrines of Isis or Persians, with the Temple to the Unknown God.
And to an unknown god seem in fact belong to the modern churches. Buildings in icy, cold and bare those proposed by French architects, as well as contemporary, created from the gesture of the designer, then strongly quasi-divine and a little 'more glamorous today, which interrupts the historical link with the people behind the construction of each church .
environments naked , the lack of variety of materials, the minimum of interference and iconography, as a consequence, the almost total absence of skilled artists and craftsmen, we recall how, on the contrary, the relationship of the people building the house of God was manifested for centuries in a very concrete way. In the work of artisans, carpenters, masons, decorators, plasterers who took turns in generation after generation of those sites that were endless and the cathedrals in which encompassed the best of the ability "to do" typical man.
That particular mode that Pavel A. Florenskij defined with these words: a very special spirit of the constitution: experience and habits inherited and formed over the centuries ... probably the healthiest type of creative process, which flows within well-defined banks, without suffering, no worries, no romance, no tears and without ecstasy, with a quiet confidence in his own hand, saying that he already knows what to do ... this skill is very far from the spirit of our times, where everything is based on sincerity and piercing on the lapse, or the desire to produce something other than what has already been done by others, to see, to amaze, hitting, and terror can end up accidentally on a road already traveled somewhere else.
Today, no one enters in a modern church to admire a fresco, an altar, a bas-relief, to experience the beauty of the interior space and light that filters through the windows, yet the experience of beauty is one that more forcefully brings man closer to God, the Church has always known.
But page through the catalog of the international exhibition of architecture to the sacred space, held in Bologna in 1996 under the patronage of the CEI, wonder if perhaps he knows more and that the faults are not to be charged only to the architects for their projects, but also to religious commissions that approve them.
from plants is difficult to understand that these buildings for worship, Forget aisles, transepts and apses, chapels, crypts, overrides the central plan , changed and distorted in every possible way: ellipses, wedges, triangles, circles, squares.
And when the model is rectangular, not rank to nothing more than a classroom (of court, canteen, conference for theater?). Almost no bell, verticality is little or nothing and if you want the stress often is no other solution than the form of a stylized Christmas tree, with sloped down to the ground, in the manner of a hypothetical hut that does not even exist in the mountains.
The recent publications the results of competitions sponsored by the CEI for the new Italian churches, I speak of 2010, does not offer encouraging examples.
Yet each designer was supported by a priest, liturgist, precisely to avoid subjective ridiculous inventions by the architect. And to read the reports of the winning submission, or at least the second and third place, even before examining boards and renderings, often one can not but agree with the intentions. But then it is as if the words do not match the action and produced a disconnect exists between the two terms.
So here we are again with churches that seem to crematoria (St. George the Martyr, Dresden), churches aphasia, where the display of the crucifix is \u200b\u200bthe only concession to Christian iconography. Disappearing traces of the biblical narrative, pictorial want, want sculptural, minimalist spaces and remain deadly, forms or "organic", that since we are close to the sea (St. John the Baptist, Porto Recanati) are inspired by the waves, or even asked to alert to minimize energy requirements in order to classify the building Energy Class A (!).
Or projects churches "crumpled" (Our Lady of Mount Caramel, Racalmuto), inspired by the work of Frank Gehry, if they get an earthquake to destroy no one notices.
short, even with the liturgist that breathing down your neck, it seems that you do not know where to turn.

(from Renaissance sacred)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Results Cell Respiration Answers

"Dedicated to those who ask, but what am I doing here?" Joseph Indelicato

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Should I See A Doctor If Green Mucus

Reflections on transubstantiation

P. Cavalcoli John, OP

liturgical abuses, especially in the celebration of St. Mass, now often claimed by many Catholics eager to arrive at the same Supreme Pontiff, are of varying size and have many aspects, ranging from attitudes that affect small arbitrary or special secondary norms of the liturgical rite up to interventions that alter, suppress or distort the most important parts of the Mass not to say essential, or even risking invalidating the same Eucharistic celebration.
So in this case, it remains something of a certain external configuration of the Mass - gestures, vestments, place, altar objects, words, ministers - but as the Mass is emptied from turning into a ceremony or misleading in a superstitious act.
The celebration of the Mass is an act of divine worship that is done, as is known, first by the priest with the assistance of the faithful, on the basis of a conviction of faith on what Christ himself instituted at the Last Supper in preparation for the Sacrifice of the Cross that he would have taken the following day.

At Mass the celebrant does in the person of Christ the High Priest of the New Covenant, which Christ accomplished in that time in obedience to his command: "Do this in memory of me. "

the Church over the centuries, in addition to faithfully execute the command of the Lord in the celebration of Mass, the liturgical forms which, without betraying the essential, have been subject to some development and a plurality of different rites, then came to explain to the faithful what happens when the central mass, ie when the priest pronounces the words that Christ uttered in that situation: "This is my body, this is my blood. "

The Church has established as a dogma of faith as truth or occurs at this solemn moment: the so-called "transubstantiation", ie the conversion of the whole substance of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, remaining accidents or "species" of bread and wine. However, after the words of consecration of the offerings (bread and wine), bread is not bread but the body of the Lord, the wine is not wine but the blood of the Lord.

Note the difference between transubstantiation and the substantial transformation. In the latter changes the shape and remains the subject. For example, on a wood burning, lose the shape of the wood and takes the form of ash, but remains the same the same subject. Instead, in the transubstantiation is the conversion of not only the form but also of matter.

The word "this" (my body) (lat. hoc , gr. statute) does not mean "this bread", but it is a neutral name, which is the transition from the bread to the body: in fact transubstantiation. If it was meant "this bread", it would have the absurdity that the bread was at the same time the body, which makes no sense.

It was then that the Church calls "presence real and substantial presence "of Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity, in the Eucharistic mystery, which is under the species of bread and wine. Jesus, says St. Thomas Aquinas in his beautiful and famous anthem, as is "veiled" in the Eucharistic species. The Christian soul, in the words of Aquinas, in the consecrated "devoutly worship the deity and humanity that lie beneath these figures," defined as the Eucharistic species.

glorious Christ certainly is now in heaven, and yet, by way of substance, is present in all the altars of the world at the time of consecration by the priest to be offered to the Father to be the expiation for our sins and in all the tabernacles of the world by offering our worship and contemplation, Receiver and Time of our eyes, our prayers, our devotion, our effusions d ' love and total confidence.

We can therefore say that the Eucharist is Jesus on the altar is in the tabernacle. But we must remember that it is this presence, so real, but mystical and ineffable, that does not take place unless in reference to the Eucharistic species and not the substance of the body and blood of the Lord, as the substance itself is not the place except through the eucharistic accidents ( Latin accidentes : what falls under our eyes, that the species of bread and wine) . But the accidents of the body and blood of Christ are only in heaven. So from this point of view we can say that Christ is present in the Eucharist as He is now in heaven. In fact, Aquinas always in his hymn expresses the wish to one day see in heaven that Jesus openly now hidden in the ground he covers in the Eucharist and in the tabernacle.

So is the observation by some that God is present everywhere and therefore not important presence in the tabernacle. Not so: there is a real presence in the tabernacle, in the words I said, the Incarnate God and the Blessed Sacrament, which is more important and meaningful to us than the metaphysical presence, that ubiquity of the divine nature in every place, there which is enough to perceive the reason, while the Eucharistic presence is known only in the light of faith. Not to mention the more important the presence of the Eucharistic Jesus in our hearts after the S. Communion.

According to a doctrine theological degree, after the consecration the accidents do not adhere to the substance of the Eucharistic body and blood of the Lord, whose accidents are those which Christ has in heaven, but miraculously supported by the omnipotence of God, failed because the substance of bread and wine.

This separation of the accidents of their substance is something beyond the limits of our reason and our experience it is known to us only by faith. After the consecration of our eyes continue to see the color of the bread, the flavor continues to feel the taste of bread, feel the feel the reality of the bread, so we would be led to believe that such accidents still hiding, and indicate the substance of bread and yet faith tells us that behind those damn lies the very real very real substance of the body and blood of Christ.

And unfortunately at this point in the history of theology were many errors. It only hints at someone, because the risk of it falling today is not random. Famous in this regard was the conception of Luther at odds with that of Ulrich Zwingli, the famous Swiss reformer. Luther believed in the Real Presence, but not intended as transubstantiation, that is as substantial presence under the accidents of bread, but together with the bread. Ie Luther, after the words of consecration, the bread remains bread, but Christ is present in the bread or, as some still say, 'under the sign of bread. " This is why the Protestant conception does not transubstantiation, but the so-called "Fried." Luther also conceived the Eucharist only in relation to the communion, that is as food, but refused to worship, for which there is no use in the Protestant tradition of the store Sacrament in the tabernacle or the monstrance for the present ' worship. As Zwingli, he denied any real presence arguing that the words of consecration, "This is my body," meaning "this means or symbolizes my body. " For this Zwingli spoke of a purely spiritual presence.

similar concept in our day was that of Edward Schillebeeckx, who proposed replacing the transubstantiation with the "transignification" or "transfinalization" arguing that such bread and wine remain, only changing the their meaning or purpose: whereas before they were referring to just physical nourishment, spiritual nourishment of the soul after they become.

These views have some truth, but as denying transubstantiation, are a heretical character, condemned by the Church. And today, unfortunately, not uncommon signs of this neglect of the truth of the SS. Eucharist. They are not given only by the spread of this heresy, but - a logical consequence - a certain liturgical practice tends to forget that, for example, Eucharistic adoration, thanksgiving after Holy After Mass or Communion, while it is not uncommon to see ministers distribute Communion like a bartender that takes a coffee to a customer, but rather what would be appropriate for the minister, before offering the sacred host, this at least for a while the adoration of the faithful! So, too, how little devotion is expressed in elevation with the priest who a snapping motion - up and down - as if they were pulling the rope of a bell, instead, as it should at least stop a moment to present his Sacrament adoration and faithful!

fact, the SS. Sacramento is not only food but also Ostia is offering to the Father for the forgiveness of sins and the very presence of SS. Trinity under the humble appearance of bread and wine, to which the faithful to contemplate this most August mystery, it should be a foretaste of the joy of the beatific vision.

Finally I want to make one final observation. E 'known how this spread of heresy about the sacrament of the Eucharist (and therefore about the Mass and the power of the priest) occurred after Vatican II, while this problem did not exist before. Let me be clear on what the council does not matter at all , but we are facing one of the many blatant falsification of the renewal of the Council, who ended up throwing in so many good souls, but not sufficiently lit discredit the Council itself. It should be obvious to everyone that in order to remedy this heresy do not need to return to the Mass of St. Pius V - as it is respectable - but it is enough to celebrate with dignity and true faith, the Mass of Paul VI. In fact, it is simply two different ways of celebrating the one and the same Mass of the Catholic Church.

Our hope and our vote is that our pastors with spiritual discernment, evangelical parresia and paternal power, assisted by the Spirit of wisdom and courage, not merely ceremonial generic abuse convictions or ritualistic, but go to the fund in order to eradicate the root of evil, correcting and disciplining those theologians and liturgists that those in this important area of \u200b\u200bthe Eucharist, the Mass (it is the ancient rite or ritual again) and the priesthood, diverge from the true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Games Where U Get Pregnant

A day with the elephant and underpants ... but alive! Picture taken by the journalist at the event in his underwear but alive, "opened at the Teatro del Verme in Milan by Giuliano Ferrara.
Beneath it appeared on my site (very strimizzita and synthesized) declaration in favor of the event. 3A% 2F% 2Ftg24%% 2Fnews% 2F2011% 2F02% 2Fphotogallery% 2F12% 2Fgiuliano_ferrara_silvio_berlusconi_in_mutande_ma_vivi_milano_popup.html% 3Fp% 3D13 & h = e8e97

In the comments, below, I am going to publish the entire work of intellectual personalities who have said them.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Christmas Thank You Cards John Deere

Interview with Cardinal. Mauro Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy

Armin Schwibach

Rome ( / hs) The priesthood should not be "normalized" according to claims of a "demystification", but must be rediscovered in its divine origin.
So says the prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, S. Em R. Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, while stressing the importance of liturgy, "Christ-centered" to a new evangelization countries of the West. After the night of the decline in priestly vocations, Cardinal sees the dawn of a new time, but mainly need of prayer - and in particular of Eucharistic adoration - to achieve full light of day.

exclusive interview, generously granted, Cardinal Piacenza takes care of the priest as a "sign of contradiction" and highlights the particular mandate of sacred art as a way of prayer to God

Kath. net: with his book "The seal - Christ, the source of the priest," published in 2010, she drew the memory the identity of the priesthood, saying that any talk of a "new evangelization", the main goal of the Church, is useless if not based on spiritual renewal of priests.
Specifically, how could constitute a renewal of the priesthood? What does it mean that the priest is a "sign of contradiction" in society today, as you once said? From what has to leave the Church and, in particular, should act as leaders of the seminars?

Cardinal Piacenza: who continually renews the Church, and it Priesthood is the Holy Spirit! Beyond a clear air and, therefore, the supernatural, it is impossible to even think of a renewal. I believe that this is precisely one of the main ways forward: that of the clear recovery of the vertical dimension, the spiritual ministry. In the past decades, too many "reductionism", inspired by the so-called theology of demystification, have resulted in the Priesthood simply to turn into a "super-ministry" of animation and coordination of the Church. The priest is also the one that animates the pastoral life of a community, but the Ministry exercise that power in a supernatural vocation and configuration to Christ, of which the sacrament of Holy Orders. Before any "ministerial service," he is Jesus the Good Shepherd in the heart of the Church and, specifically, in the community to which he is sent.
consequence of this is that the renewal must necessarily pass through the primacy of prayer, long and intimate relationship with the Risen Christ, present in the Holy Scriptures spiritually, really in the Eucharist, and with it the priest she's always in connection with the effective exercise of all his ministerial activities. The primacy of prayer also means record of faith: the faith of the saints honest and sincere, the ability to deconstruct, due to its simplicity, all human calculation or reasoning. A priest, in a cultural context based on efficiency and activism, becomes necessarily a sign of contradiction, as the Lord Jesus was and still is a "sign of contradiction," so, in His own image, every priest is called to be, precisely in virtue of belonging to Christ and the Church, and "everlasting novelty" that the apostolic form vivendi for the world.

In the secular context, a sign of contradiction are holy priests, faithful, devoted to his ministry, because consecrated to God and capable, therefore, to lead souls to a genuine encounter with the Lord. Only someone who is all of God may be all of the people.
To all this must be essentially formed new generations of priests, carefully avoiding the temptation of those who want to "normalize" the priesthood, thinking, thus making it more acceptable to young people and men of our time. This, by contrast, would lead to "desertification" of vocations. The future of the priesthood, which is guaranteed, at supernatural, from God's faithfulness to His Church, is also, as we are concerned, motivated in promoting your real nature, that is - and the scriptures bear witness to the great ecclesial tradition and magisterial confirms it - of exquisitely divine. Pope Benedict XVI in his book-length interview with Peter Seewald, "Light of the World" says: 'It conceivable that the devil could not endure the year priest and then we face in the dirt was thrown. He wanted to show the world how much filth there is just one of the priests. " She considers it a coincidence that during the year for priests in many countries of the world is the scandal of sexual abuse? And then the devil has really lost?

Cardinal Piacenza: She knows that the case does not exist! However, there are connections and, more often, human strategies, which are exposed to exploitation of malicious.
must note first that the devil did not win during the Year of the Priest, when, as stated by the Holy Father: "We have dirt thrown in your face ' but when some Ministers of God, called by vocation to proclaim the Gospel and administer the sacraments, abusing their task, they mortally wounded young innocent lives. It is in this perversion of the true absolute victory of the evil, and the fact that these terrible and unspeakable behavior have emerged during the Year of the Priests, did not diminish the truth of the Priesthood, but allowing the dutiful penance and reparation for what has happened has fostered a deeper awareness of the extraordinary treasure, given by Christ to His Church, is contained in clay pots. This situation, which has dramatically disturbing, could become even hopeless, if we were not certain that the devil, who won many battles, unfortunately, has already lost much of its war since it was defeated by the redeeming death of our Lord Jesus Christ and His glorious resurrection.
Often, especially in German-speaking countries, many priests are exposed to pressure from the laity and pastoral councils. He almost has the feeling that some want to get the lay of the altar to take off into space ministerial functions. In not a few dioceses German-speaking priests who want to be faithful to the church, often find themselves alone. At times even the diocesan bishops to their priests have the necessary support. As this problem is seen in Rome? How should and could defend the priests in this situation?

Cardinal Piacenza: First of all I mean to say with absolute clarity and conviction that motivated the collaboration between clergy and laity is as necessary as sacramentally based. You must live within certain parameters is essential from the standpoint of theology, both from the ministry. It must be recalled that the ministry of witness are called all the baptized, not just those who have received some ministry. The lay faithful should be instructed to that effect permanently by the Apostle, living mainly in the world, in their concrete circumstances of life and family, working, professional, educational and public. The laity really "busy" are those who are committed to witness to Christ in the world, not those that address the potential shortage of clergy, claiming slices of visibility within the community.
From this clarity on the universal vocation of the baptized, there is no reason that they can effectively collaborate with the Ministry of Priests, always remembering, however, that between the baptismal priesthood and the ministerial, there is, as taught by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, returning to the Vatican Council II, an essential difference, not only in degree. (Cf. CCC, n. 1547).
Again, it is to rediscover faith in the Church, which is not a human organization, nor can be managed with criteria "business", which obey human laws, such as alleged or actual competence or efficiency and the necessary division of power, and are the most distant we may be from an authentic ecclesial service.
I believe that this "reduction in business" way of thinking of the Church is a cause of both the so-called crisis in the number of responses to the vocation, the controversy is that, in successive waves, sometimes perhaps even orchestrated, are unleashed against the celibacy of priests. It's all part of that short-sighted strategy of normalization, which aims, ultimately, to expel God from the world, erasing those who, objectively, are the signs that more effectively, make reference to him, first of all the lives of those who , in faithfulness and joy, choose to live in the heart of virginity and in celibacy for the Kingdom of Heaven, thus witnessing that God exists, is present and that it is possible to live for Him! How do you explain the "vocation crisis" in contemporary Western societies?

Cardinal Piacenza: The so-called vocations crisis, from which, in reality, is slowly coming out, is due basically to the crisis of faith in the West. Where is it must be admitted that, in reality, the crisis of vocations is a crisis of faith. God continues to call to answer but need to hear and feel you need the right climate and not the absolute uproar. In the same environment is in crisis sanctification the party, the confession is in crisis, a crisis in marriage etc ... Secularization and the consequent loss of the sense of the sacred, faith and its practice, and led to determine a significant decrease in the number of candidates for the priesthood. For these reasons, purely theological and ecclesiastical, are joined by some of sociology: first of all, the decrease is unique in the world, the birth rate, which could decrease the number of young people and thus also of young vocations.

In this view are a notable exception, full of enthusiasm and hope, the Movements and new communities, where faith is lived out in a straightforward and immediate, and translated into real life and this opens the hearts of young people the opportunity to give themselves completely to God in the ministerial priesthood. Such a difference in the vitality of expression and methods, shall be the whole Church, each parish and each diocese, because only an authentic faith, significant for its life, the environment in which you can listen to the many calls that God addresses, even today, young people. The first and essential remedy to the decline of vocations, the suggested Jesus himself: "Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38). This is the realism of the pastoral care of vocations. Prayer for Vocations, an intense, universal, expanded network of prayer and adoration that wrap around the world, is the only real answer to the crisis of the possible response to the call. But it takes faith! Where such an attitude of prayer is lived permanently, we can say that a real recovery is taking place and that, in a way, the night has passed and already dawn. I wish that every diocese has a center of Eucharistic adoration, perpetual possibility, just for these intentions: the sanctification of the clergy and vocations. This is the most effective and realistic pastoral plan that we can be! From then on it also unleashes an admirable strength of love in all areas. Try it! From 2003 until his appointment as secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007 she was president of the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of the Church, since 2004 President of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology.
What is the current status of the "Ars Sacra," which is often confused with the 'ars of religion "?

Cardinal Piacenza: The subject is vast and deserves to be dealt with just the right size, as each artistic achievement speaks of the idea of \u200b\u200bman and God that we have, and any "house church" that speaks about the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding the Church that we have, and, above all, the experience of the Church which we live. The Church is not a human sociological reality, not a gathering of people who believe the same thing! It is the Body of Christ, the new priestly people, the Divine Presence in the world. Every genuine expression
of sacred art and each new church should first be recognized as such. Every man, every passer-by the child to the elderly, cultured from illiteracy, from the atheist believer should be able to immediately say, "That is a work of art! ... That is a church. " The latter must also be monumental, ie it must tell us about the greatness of God and must, therefore, be different, even for proportions, by any other building. A church, and sacred art as a whole, to be such, must obey both the original subject of the individual artist or architect, as the frank and sincere faith of the people who in it and pray through it. They are not "monuments" to the genius of individuals, but places and instruments of worship dedicated to God, in whom and through which to meet God and come together as his people. In your opinion, how important is the celebration of the liturgy for the essence of community life and the mission of a new evangelization of the countries of ancient Christian?
Cardinal Piacenza: Most times, the Holy Father said, with the Liturgy, lives or dies, the faith of the Church. It is at the same time, a mirror, which reflects the faith, and food, which constantly nourishes, purifies it and support it. The old adage "lex orandi, lex credendi obviously still retains all its validity and effectiveness.
In many cases, the attempt at demystification mentioned, also swept the Liturgy, producing, as a single, devastating effect, to reduce it again and, paradoxically, to "pre-Christian rites, a symbolic and interpretable then exposed to every possible result subjectivist and relativist. The liturgy is not primarily a human action, in which the individuals can freely express their subjective emotions, or to participate in what would be necessary to do or say anything, it is mainly the action of Christ, Who is alive and present in his Church, worships the Father, drawing in this divine action -human, we humans.
Risen Christ is the true protagonist of the story and the liturgy, and every human action, which should be truly liturgical, must obey this policy imperative and must seek to guide the hearts of the faithful recognition of the absolute primacy of God
have reduced or trivialized the liturgy is a very serious responsibility, not independent of the loss of the sense of the sacred, which the West is the victim, and that is, once again, resulting from radical demystification of which has promoted certain theology, believing that "scientific."
The answer to everything is traceable, however, in the heart of man, who, despite everything, is made in God and is essentially religious, therefore, open to the transcendent and the sense of the sacred. A Christ-centered liturgy, properly celebrated, it is important ecclesial and the introduction of 'He [Christ] must increase, but I must decrease "(Jn 3:30) to John's memory, contributes certainly the new evangelization of Europe and the recovery of that sense of the sacred, without which even the duty to dialogue with other cultures and religious traditions would be impossible.