Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does Ultimate Electronics Offer Layaway

Politics and Justice in my opinion and according to Labor & Lucia

The following post is an article published in Panorama long ago the alleged interview with Paolo Borsellino who accuse Berlusconi. This question-and- answer is the latest in a long series of discussions on facebook that I saw involved with my friend Lucia.
years is repeated in the last interview that the judge accused Berlusconi. It is not true. And that was not even the last interview.
There is a story that is told from a decade antimafia by professionals, in articles and books, and television broadcasts, such as in-depth.
It 's the story of the' last 'interview of Paolo Borsellino: before his death, torn by TNT in via D'Amelio under the mother's house, the court had handed over to a French journalist, a sort of testament, in which first, and two years before the descent into the field of Knight, denounced the relationship with the Mafia Silvio Berlusconi. The moral of the story is peaceful, if he said Paolo Borsellino, and his last words were, and long before the investigations and processes ...
What's true? Nothing. Other than the fact, well known long after, on 21 May 1992, two days before the massacre in Capaci, where Giovanni Falcone was killed and two months before the massacre in via D'Amelio, Borsellino had received at his home in Palermo , a Fabrizio Calvi, accompanied by a television operator, and had spoken with them for a couple of hours.
What they said on that occasion, the court and the journalist and the operator, and that the interview was obtained, and the investigation of that interview which should have been disqualified, had not heard anything. No way, nor two days later, when he was killed Falcone, or two months later, when he was killed Borsellino (and God knows if this was not the best time to reveal the alleged "last will" of the judge murdered), nor within two years. Until April 8, 1994, two years after the conversation between the judge and journalists, and coinciding with the announcement date by Mr Luciano Violante, the president of the Parliamentary Anti-mafia, a mafia investigation against Marcello Dell'Utri, Espresso suddenly appeared a "guide" the conversation. And they had to spend another seven years before, in April of 2001, the eve of the elections, an "assembly" of the movie was broadcast first by RAI News 24 and then by Michele Santoro in an episode of "green ray".
Only on the latter occasion it was learned from the voice of the author Fabrizio Calvi original movie that the interview lasted about half an hour, which had never been used, either in France or in Italy, nor was it ever been broadcast in TV never transcribed, in whole or in part, in books or newspapers, and eventually was lost, and the movie transmitted, which had a duration of ten minutes (almost only the third part of the original), it was only a "synthesis" (made with a system of arbitrarily cut and sew), and that this synthesis did not correspond perfectly to even guide , which is also partially released expressively.
But he says Paolo Borsellino, in this summary of the summary of the interview cut and sewn, so important in the relations with the Mafia Silvio Berlusconi, and Berlusconi, if not directly, at least Marcello Dell'Utri? Absolutely nothing. They insist that journalists with questions, starting from the usual "groom" Vittorio Mangano, and try something from his mouth, but the court obstinately refuses and escapes. Some examples of responses of Borsellino: "I am not aware of this incident," "probably is not the same interception", "Dell'Utri was not charged in the maxi trial, as far as I remember ...";" not know the details, "it's trial proceedings which I have not personally involved, and on which I could not reveal anything," "I do not need to ask these questions because I do not Dell'Utri because I personally am interested, from the point of view of my profession I know very little, therefore what I know is what can result from newspapers, however, is not a professional knowledge and point I have no memories, "" eating and Dell'Utri Palermo are both, is not a consideration that leads to any conclusion ... does not mean they knew, "" I know of the existence of Rapisarda, but I have never been personally involved ";" regarding Dell'Utri Rapisarda and I can not give specific details ..."; "I can not say about it, "" I do not personally deliver items to be ...", "The issue concerning the relationship with Berlusconi is a story that is not mine ... so I do not feel authorized to say anything. " But the false
the main point on which in recent years have more professionals antimafia insisted and still insist, that should affect most naive and ignorant, the most emotional and exciting for the false last interview, and that those on Berlusconi the mafia were "the last words" martyr's Purse, the further from the truth this is false, that the conversation with French journalists on 21 May of '92 is not the "last" interview Borsellino.
A month later, thirty days after the Capaci massacre and the death of his friend, Falcone, and a month before being killed in its turn, June 23, Borsellino receives in his home studio, in Cilea, another journalist, an Italian journalist, and it is said. This will truly be his last interview, broadcast last interview before his death in via D'Amelio. And it's really dramatic, and can be regarded as his testament, there is even a foretaste of what is to succeed him: "Since the death of my old friend and workmate of my life has changed ... I am a survivor ... I remember what I said Ninni Cassara where we were going together to the place where the doctor was killed Montana ... He said, 'Convinciamoci that we are walking corpses ...'. "And who
's last interview was given to those who gave this will Paolo Borsellino, shortly before he died? The Deputy Director of Canale 5, a television journalist Silvio Berlusconi. The martyr of the Mafia, the last time he spoke, he spoke with the "mafia". Lino Jannuzzi

article appeared in the weekly magazine Panorama in the usual Tazebao book, edited by the same Jannuzzi.


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