Sunday, October 31, 2010

Actresses With Red Hair And Green Eyes

and called them!

In June 2008, the Palermo prosecutor's office opened an investigation for "aiding and abetting aggravated the Cosa Nostra" with Mario Mori.
What is accused, and especially those who are Mario Mori.
Commander of the police in Palermo, then commander of the ROS (Special operations group) and finally a number of SISDE, the civilian intelligence service.
The fate of this military officer Trieste is connected to a code: 2789/90, a number in the series that will use often in this post.
The most important achievement of Mori arrived January 15, 1993 at number 54 in front of Bernini, in Palermo, when the General had him arrested him, the boss of bosses: Totò Riina.
Paradoxically, it happens that the arrest of the Mafia's most wanted in the world does not coincide with the search of his home. Many think that the patrol was a failure as another way to give the opportunity to clean up the mafia in the home and to remove the proprioe tracks.
Mori argues that the prosecutor was not to give the order to search but nevertheless in 1997 it opened another investigation for misappropriation of doucment and abetting "against persons unknown. In 2002, Anthony
pm Ingroia and Michele Prestipino sign the request for storage at the same time casting shadows on the Colonel Mori and Sergio De Caprio (the officer who has worked closely with Mori and handcuffed Riina).
So in 2004 he reopened the 'other inquiry, this time against the Moors and De Caprio.
After being acquitted of aiding all seems finished, and instead is explored once again. This time is to accuse the police of Colonel Michael Riccio who becomes the head of acus of the prosecution.
The story is curious and is thus briefly described.
curious because the colonel accused Riccio Mori, but Mori was the same year the first to denounce Riccio for the famous "Operation Panther". So Mori is on trial on the basis of an accusation supported by a person alleged by him years before.
"Operation Panther" led to the seizure of a consignment of frozen fish with 288 tons of cocaine from Colombia. This led to Riccio two offenses, "possession and concealment of drugs" because it was discovered that disappeared in the seizure of 5 kg of cocaine destined for destruction.
Mori reported the incident and after that Riccio was sentenced to 4 years and 10 months Riccio in 2001 asked the public prosecutor to be heard on the serious facts about the failure to capture Provenzano and death of hold Ilardo. The story is mysterious Ilardo.
Riccio claims that his informant, Ilardo found dead just a few months later, he offered the ability to capture Bernardo Provenzano.
Ilardo and Riccio were at the junction of Mezzojuso, a village in the province of Palermo, and were posted in waiting for the green light that was supposed to capture "Zu Binnu". Green light that never came because he died did not authorize the operation. The version of
Riccio is immediately challenged by another colleague and official,''the lieutenant in 1995 serving in the ROS of Caltanissetta, which ostiene Mezzojuso to that day, were ordered to make photographic surveys to study the area and that there was no evidence that Provenzano was hiding there. But the thing that creates controversy and that is present in the report issued at the end of the day, the colonel is that Riccio was not there, was not present because it remained in the office!
However the prosecutor made two calculations, and linked the failure to search the lair of the failure to capture the '93 and '95 to confirm the thesis of the alleged deal between the mafia and the state.
According to the thesis of Massimo Ciancimino, Borsellino was killed srebbe perhè was aware of the negotiations and opposed and the Mafia did in salt air. Here the old
Ritona code that we talked about at the beginning and that is linked to the fate of Mori: 2789/90.
This is the code of the investigation, perhaps the greatest implications for size and after the big trial. And 'the investigation which is about kickbacks and that his fear was started by Giovanni Falcone who gave explicit task to coordinate the Moors. It was
relations between the mafia and criminal contracts coinvlgendo several politicians of the time finding national links northern Italy.
That investigation was not seriously considered by the prosecutor Piero Giammanco then (the one that blew the chair just a prosecutor in Palermo Falcone). Mori
44 posizoni identified in any case to be examined but the prosecution stood out only 5 provvediemnti custody.
Mori Mori called and, according to Falcone, Falcone sadly sadly informed that perhaps had been carried out that way because the 's inchieta touched many politicians and this was resized.
few months after the death of Falcone and Borsellino convened in secret Mori and Captain De Donno and insisted on resuming the investigation "Mafia and Contracts."
Borsellino maintained that studying the trend "Mafia and contracts" could be reached to identify motives for the massacre of Capaci.
So the day after the funeral of Borsellino, a corpse still warm, the Palermo prosecutor's office filed a request for a file storage. Above that
dossier there was a code made of six numbers: 2789/90.
It was just that: The dossier? Investigation, "Mafia and contracts."

The shadow negotiation of real or alleged

The repentant Gaspare Spatuzza says he recognized a man of the secret services while preparing the car that would blow then Paul Borsellinoe this still reinforces the appeal of the alleged romance negotiation between state and mafia.
In reality, factual say that in a fight against the Mafia intelligence techniques are used which involve attempts to infiltrate and find that their confidants and these techniques lead to the crisis of the Cosa Nostra (was regretted Balduccio Di Maggio all'intenro of the van that the police knew Ninette Bagarella as he returned and played at the gate of a Bernini). Mori tencica certainly use some friendship and some outside the system, one of those "turn" a little peridoloso that they now create this trouble.
The paradox of this negotiation is that maybe there was a trattavia, trying to deal with criminals but the result is that adsso are all in prison under the harsh prison and several life sentences to be served.
What would get these mobsters from this deal? From these elusive agreements with the state?
Some claim that the goal was to change the political system of the First Republic to sostiturilo with a new and thus more compliant with their own interests.
Neussno can say with a minimum of 18 years ultmi seriousness in the fight against the Mafia has been diminished, in fact.
If you look at the facts and not repented of bullshit, there is a successful state.
If indeed there was a gray area, an area represented by this deal, the facts do not sicuramnte projected shadows. So

Mori is undergoing a new trial after he was acquitted in another of the same gender.
writes Massimo Bordin, former director of Radio and Voice of the Radical Review Press and Conditions.
Bordin is considered one of the keenest observers of the legal proceedings and mafiologiche of Italy.
"In a world now undermined, the superpoliziotti of yesterday are guilty of today, and sorry, even the least credible, according to a script rewrite history that has already conquered the Italians."
The reporter asks: negotiation state-Mafia? Bordin says, "They argued that Mori would negotiate with Riina. So how come then, just him, arrested him? As Provenzano. This famous Papello" then? Not one of the requests was fulfilled.
The fantomaticca treaty had no success.
repented Registrants are not credible because it is able to prove what they say but because raconte so colorful that we hold in our hearts and brain, continues Bordin. Paid, distributed by the handful of truth in patterns finction film "fictional." Literal could also add us.
historian Salvatore Lupo says: 'It's always huge success that the cops had dealings with criminals. When it comes to the negotiation state / mafia is to smile.
There may be a single official who for some reason, service or collusion, cultivates relationships with the Mafia. But the state has to do what?
I were never top-down or that their top concern.
The great political, policy matters and decides has nothing to do with this though the mafia even in good faith believe to be the case.
I think it's true, Wolf continues, saying that his men Bontade dl phrases such as "quiet Andreotti will think."
But this does not mean that Andreotti was a Mafioso or had direct dealings with them.
if anything were to be the Mafia Andreotti. Vulgar, but certainly not stupid, but who thinks so rude.
Professor Wolf comes out of metaphors: "the bombs put them Riina. He was himself to take the decisions. He was instrumental in its strategy, which is what he had learned from his pedecessori and that he had already applied earlier as the murders from the Church and Chinnici, two personalities of extreme magnitude.
Riina was in trouble, pointing the annulment of the Maxi Trial and the massacres began.
seems at times that you think like that character in the novel that Sciascia says you should not look for the real mafia in Palermo, in Rome who lives in the hands of the mafia suits.

(Sources: Claudio Cerasa, Massimo Bordin, Radio Radical Wiped Italy).


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