Sunday, October 24, 2010

Does Scotiabank Have Reloadable Credit Cards

Others as they are? The showdown in Europe

appeared last Monday a satirical cartoon in the British newspaper that depicted the British Prime Minister David Cameron and a comment at the top with the writing off "almost seems that the prime minister has declared war on the British"!
What did the young scion of conservative so terrible?
Suffice it to say that in a single day has passed a program of cuts in public spending of 83 billion pounds (120 billion euro).
25% budget cuts in all ministries (with the exception of Defense, Health, and School Aid Abroad resized but in any case).
by 2015 there will be a downsizing of government staff of 500 thousand units, reducing aid for rent, childcare subsidies, for disabilità.In this is also part of the order to the Royal House of reducing the cost of 14 % within the next 3 years.
What is surprising is the seriousness and determination with which the premier is going in this battle.
close British military bases abroad (beginning with history in Germany, opened in 1945), will be postponed to the upgrade of weaponry available, beginning with the Trident nuclear submarines of the class and the divestment of the only aircraft carrier fleet, the Ark Royal.
We talk about the military in less than 17 000 and 25 000 civilians under the Ministry of Defence sacrificed. Many analysts think that the next few years will be tough to embark on military missions to high costs and complicated as those in Afghanistan.
What do you get? the floor with blood and tears would have to lower the deficit from the current 11% to 2%. Not bad ...!

somewhere before in this blog we had dealt with the difficulties faced by Prime Minister Zapatero took the with an unprecedented housing crisis. The situation in less than a year was almost unchanged even though the premier has made a great and courageous action of spending cuts.
The unemployment rate is still at 20% (sic), the polls give Zapatero below 15 percentage points over his rival People's Party (soon there will be elections in Catalonia, a historical test for guidance and for the government and oppositions).
In addition to asking the Spaniards to tighten the belt has reduced the number of ministries to 15. He took the world famous Ministry of Equality (merged to health) and sacrificed on the altar of the cuts the ministry of the House.

FRANCE France is the country that is experiencing a crisis in his appearance with dramatic rivers of general strikes in schools, public transportation, hours of urban warfare, gas stations empty, blocked highways, trade unions up in arms, all against the reform that raises the 'retirement age.

These are obviously not good news, but they make damn idea of \u200b\u200bhow difficult it is to govern in this context of crisis. Those who accuse
Tremonti wait, or paralysis should also take a look at what is happening outside. The minister, may have a thousand faults (and there has them, all right) but it should be given the credit, recognized objectively by the ECB and the international organizations are serious, that it took the bar straight, ie not to give in to the demands of this or that minister, freezing and freeze government spending and make cuts deep but necessary to culture, entertainment, the thirteenth of the civil service. Adding to this are more and more suffocating control them on disability pensions, the good and proper use of EU funds from the South, he had pulled his ears to the southern regions of Calabria and with impaired health explosive and unjustified.
We saw what happened in Greece (see post in this blog) have to sell the banks of the largest ports in China, the islands to Hollywood stars and that is to sell off the family silver to avoid falling into the abyss.
We have seen the many sacrifices that Europeans are doing, but one thing sets us apart from others: we must place every Monday morning more than 100 billion auction of government securities on the stock exchange and if there is any foreign investor who does not understand our treasuries sink into a economic crisis of unprecedented proportions.
If not, if investors buy more Italian titles, which means that our system still holds, is solid, the banking system is serious enough, in other words the money that our investors ask us to get paid every Monday morning on Regulation Piazza Affari.
But Berlusconi seems to have lost that optimism and confidence that always instilled, will be the distraction of dispute with Fini, the fact is that for the next two years there will be no elections, or there will be regional elections that could curb some action: it was the right time to implement a new economic policy ... in fact, was, we do not know if it will be again.


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