Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sennheiser Pc350 Or Razer Carcharias

For some tourist ... more!

Dear Director,

We ask once again a bit 'of space to put it up to date on developments in the political life at San Marco d'Alunzio. Let's start by saying that in San Marco are dying with laughter, yes, we're having a casino, are held in the square spaghetti, roast meat, you eat and you tell jokes! We invite
to make a leap and see that there will be to welcome a group of administrators in single file with package in hand and tell jokes about the police, youth and ignorance that reigns supreme! We must say it is not a bad idea because they fear its political failure by their electorate, now at a year before the elections, trying to make people laugh!
if you imagine Enzo Sindoni and Bruno Mancuso, who, in response to critical comments about their work, instead of informing the citizenship status of their work tell jokes? Antics aside, but we would like to move some critical remarks on the tourism policy implemented by the 'administration City during the summer that just passed.
During the last four years our country has suffered a permanent loss of tourists, or tourists who stay for a short period in S. Marco d'Alunzio.
We all know that, for the coffers of the country, the arrivals have an account, perhaps as has already occurred, and the account stays.
latter meaning "more than everything," to spend more nights in S. Marco, more dining in restaurants, visited museums more and more consumption, resulting in automatic gain and everything to the armature.
But if we talk about what caused the municipality did not raise any revenue streams to breathe their own funds and public accounts smashed by the continuous mortgages and loans?
What has led to our common if available in 4 and a half years was not expected to use the thing for which tourists come to visit us, or our views, scenic by installing coin-operated binoculars at strategic points and more beautiful country?
How can we shell out a few euro from the pockets of tourists to the castle if we put on display only events, the Temple of Hercules, we consider it in 10 minutes of the festivity of the Annunciation church steeples and unused? Just look at what was pouring information boards placed in front of the main monuments: the sun faded and illegible.
How should our town to make money if you prefer to spend 775 € to buy a machine to detect the presence of employees to be installed at the Museum of Fine Arts Museum Byzantine instead of providing the City more money by starting a marketing and advertising?
Why not occurred to any commissioner the idea of \u200b\u200btransforming the status of the museum into a foundation, so as to ensure that the Directorate of autonomy to seek private contributions to fund projects themselves as they do most of the museums?
And what about the fate of the Museum Parish?
At the same time, however, found the money to the 'Association "Volunteer" for the Pro Loco, to buy games in Monte San Giovanni, to buy, at taxpayers' expense, land homes.
How can make money on our communities, which these days has to work more and more "as a private company and not as a public body, if the tourists are not offered those receiving services, without which no tourist accommodation can it work?
We have always agreed that our country needed to transform their services in sports and then to provide a receptive pitch tennis, a service fee bikecity, things that were supposed to make us earn some money not only in economic terms but also in fact in terms of induced (thus extending their stay).
I can not understand why July 31 in Taormina will set out a crib a representation of the city with crates full of coins that the tourists leave as a gesture of approval of the local art and, while we keep them well protected in some basement.
In these four years there has been no trace of that much acclaimed conference tourism that would lead to San Marco d'Alunzio conferences, meetings, meetings of the various consortia, local park etc etc ...., No initiative to ensure the country to be accepted more and more young people attracted to our mountains to create an area camping facilities.
What really makes a country an organized system is the convenience of parking, the presence service 24 hours a day, our social structures.
Some time ago we got funding for the construction of the nursery, but after many years unused and incomplete, but in return our common pays 516, the town of Torrenova 46 € for each child attending the school aluntino torrenovese.
What would be funny if it were not pathetic.
The event of the blacksmiths art was extremely successful, with € 5 000 incorporates a substantial induced to bars and restaurants. But for the city?
Why not monetize this kind of event scheduling a craft fair and use our warehouses so derelict that he could carry the hay to farmers?
The part that stands out most in the eyes of the tourist is the aesthetic image of the country, the attention to detail, attention to urban design.
This summer, as many years, we have witnessed the sight of umbrellas and tents outside the bar with arms of different colors. It was like being at the show rather than in the old town "medievalizzato.
Speaking of street furniture, no artist aluntino was asked if he could decorate with murals of historical / decorate the bare walls of our country in the wake of what they have done in Santo Stefano Rocca di or Caprileone.
The result was that the area where tourists usually parked cars, waiting for the concrete walls are bare and so sad (Aracoeli area).
Finally: we regret having to once again see that this bad habit of abusing the loan has not been removed, so once again we have to denounce this latest loan of 23.000 € for rent, rent read, a Panda (sic) to 5 years and then again we feel that the municipality does not have the money to do this or do that one, or worse yet, pay salaries.
salaries of our parents of course!
Finally, the part that they're playing our administrators reminds us of an anecdote that happened to a high school student, caught unprepared by the teacher in question to school, looking in every possible way to explain and give the impression that he has studied. The student is so convinced to go well, and so deceive the teacher, that it lets you finish speaking and eventually asks him point blank, "you know the difference between comedy and tragedy?", The student answers a little displaced "Of course Professor., comedy makes you laugh makes you cry while the tragedy." The
prof. nonchalantly: "No dear, the comedy is that you're doing, the tragedy is that I will later this year!
The comedy is that our administrators are playing today, the tragedy is that voters will aluntini in less than a year.



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