Friday, December 31, 2010

The Largest Tiger Ever

Letter to the pastor's wishes Nicola Bux

while the year 2010 is about to close, I share some reflections to a greater awareness of the call and mission of each.
"What has Europe's culture its foundation, the search for God and the readiness to listen to him, remains today the basis of any genuine culture" (Benedict XVI in Paris in 2008). The goal of the liturgy is to meet God, the most important thing in life because it is well that our soul desires - the desiderium natural dividend payments Deum of St. Thomas Aquinas - because he created and through which remains forever, is the so-called eschatological dimension of the liturgy, which is why, even before the liturgy with music and art should encourage the sacred quaerere Deum (search for God). Thus, the liturgy feeds the thirst for another world, the fact of truth and beauty, to orient the eye: the reality of Christ that never goes away. Another world announced and prefigured by the liturgy so that it is a non-negotiable. The signs of the liturgy are in a sense planted by the Lord himself, in the "forest" that crosses the path of our life, so that it can more easily meet: Jesus was born because through Him we were kidnapped by the visible realities of love of invisible ( for visibility to invisibilia ) as stated in the preface of Christmas.
"The liturgy is the tradition itself in its highest degree of power and solemnity" (P. Guéranger). This, As the Blessed John Henry Newman, the Church is a living organism, constantly growing. While we hear the usual preaching against consumerism of Christmas, we are called not to complain because the world does not believe, but to awaken in others the fascination with the cristianesimo.Nella our company and friendship, we experience an encounter with Christ, to the point that one who encounters us say: "I've never seen anything like it."
Therefore, as our school is based on three pillars:
  • training philosophy of the Aristotelian-Thomistic;
  • inspiration to the Rule of St. Benedict;
  • fidelity to liturgical prayer, especially in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, should help to discover and spread the music and sacred art.
in Domino Iesu
Nicola Bux

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Milena Velba Santa Milena

On track Amber Room discover a map

MILANO - The German Andreas Uckert, writes the Austrian Times online newspaper, is looking for a lender to begin the search for the treasure of the Czars, or the "Amber Room" donated in 1716 by Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I to Tsar Peter the Great. Uckert claims to have a map indicating the place where you can find the original of precious room of the Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg, disappeared during the war and rebuilt in 1957. It would be near Fulda (central Germany), buried in three bunkers. On the map, there would also be a few sentences written in invisible ink with the signing AH (Adolf Hitler?).

GOLD EFFECT - The Amber Room, a masterpiece of Baroque art, was large more than a hundred square meters, covered from floor to ceiling with 107 panels of amber of the Baltic Sea. When the 565 candles were lit, the effect was magnificent: he seemed to be dipped in gold. The engravers of Koenigsberg had taken seven years to complete. Peter the Great had it installed by the Florentine architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli (1700-1771) to Tzarskoe Zeal and for 200 years was the most precious jewel of the Romanovs. The beautiful work of art was removed by the Nazis during the three years of the terrible siege of Leningrad. At that time, Tzarskoe Zeal and his treasure were firmly in German hands. When, in '43, the tide of war changed and the Soviet Union went to the counter, the Nazis dismantled the amber room piece by piece and pack it in twenty-two steel boxes that were transported in the former royal palace of Koenigsberg. A year later, the Soviets took over East Prussia and the boxes ended up in the hands of the SS.

HUNTING AND 'OPEN - Since then, the treasure of the Czars, have gone missing. The current monetary value of the room would be around 150 million euro. "It's a life that I'm looking for old documents. I found the map in a stall in Berlin on June 17. On the map there is an eagle and a swastika. You sell Nazi symbols is a crime in Germany. Maybe that's why the seller sold it to me for very little money, and quickly. Watching her better, I are aware of the hidden writings I have read with a flashlight, "says Andreas Uckert. In the past, the amber room was searched everywhere in the fortresses of Thuringia and the Saxon castle, through the wreck of a sunken ship in the North Sea and near the Eagle's Nest at Berchtesgaden, Adolf Hitler's summer residence . Andreas Uckert look, in fact, a patron who pays the costs of research. The Austrian paper also puts his phone number. Here it is, for those interested in a treasure hunt: +49 3306 204 71 98. Source

Corriere della Sera Paolo Torretta

Monday, December 27, 2010

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A Mass textbook

In a beautiful and extensive interview with the weekly TIME theologian Nicola Bux explains why at the forefront of Benedict XVI is the "collapse of the liturgy." And because the restoration forms of worship will be by Motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" on the Gregorian rite.

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The best discoveries made with the metal detector during the years 2000-2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feet Hardened To Blisters

The actual date of Christmas. The falsity of others.

Vito Abbruzzi

do not know why, but every year, with the approaching feast of Christmas, we Christians (especially Catholics) we are put in crisis who has no scruples to deride our good faith on the day of Christ's birth, celebrated always all over the world on December 25. According to some, in fact, this date "has no historical foundation" would be "choice to replace the pagan cult of Sol Invictus ", "to make the invention of a day the most persistent myth of our time." What worries and upsets (me especially) is that this "someone" is not just another Jehovah's Witness who goes around accusing us of being unknowingly pagans, but an archaeologist named Maurizio Zuccari, which the magazine's December 2009 Archeo (pp. 24-25) talks of "difficulties on the historicizing of Jesus' life." This is not without prejudices (what a serious archaeologist), since he says: "On December 25, branded with the birth of Christ in Bethlehem, the zero hour of our time, the roots of a culture of half the globe, which has imposed on the other half time and morals. "
no coincidence that I brought up "the usual Jehovah's Witness" and spoke of "prejudice." The archaeologist in question, in fact, similar to the Jehovah's Witness, argued the its "difficulties [...] on time, place and manner of Christ's birth," citing, among others, "the story of the shepherds," narrated in Luke 2, 8-20. This figure, he said, would "assume that [the most likely period of the birth of Jesus] was no spring or autumn, as in Bethlehem in the winter months when the temperature drops near zero, can not keep livestock outside." But in the Gospel of St. Luke not say at all that the cattle were outdoors; mention is made only to "some shepherds who kept watch at night keeping guard over their flock ( vigilantes et custodientes vigilias noctis super g and gem suum ) "(Lk 2, 8). And here another glaring error: the lack of knowledge of occupations, including that of pastor. This is a job the hardest man-made because it implies, as children, a great spirit of sacrifice and renunciation, and of enormous responsibility. It is only when the shepherds bring their flocks to pasture, but even when govern themselves within the fold (including the winter months) during the day and especially at night when the thief can easily steal the sheep . This explains why Jesus likes to call the "good shepherd" who "lays down his life for his sheep ( animam suam dat pro suis ovibus )" (Jn 10, 11), not allowing the wolf that the kidnap and scattering (cf. Jn 10, 12).
As for the feast of Sol Invictus , New Year of the ancient Romans, the archaeologist in question writes: "In the third century dies natalis Sol invicti became the official cult of this belief and Constantine works masterfully, combining in one day uniting the two faiths and those of the rising sun symbols Christianity fecendosene coryphaeus. [...] It is no coincidence that the date of Christmas is officially on the eve of the emperor's death (in 337), [...] to place the birth of a man called Jesus, the humble manger in a cave at the ruins of an empire collapse of which was collected in the inheritance universal. " This his opinion is shared by other historians of Christianity, but that of Sol Invictus - according to him "an astronomical myth common to many people, the culmination of the winter solstice [December 23] and the feast of Saturnalia , celebrating the renewal of nature "- it's just a happy coincidence with the birth of the Messiah as" a light for revelation to the Gentiles "(Lk 2, 32), foretold by the prophets (cf. Is 42, 6, 49, 6).
must, ultimately, be careful not to make a certainty of doubt: what ethically very wrong for a historical researcher! The risk we run is just what to think exactly the manner of the curious character of Luke Edwardian Christmas at Cupiello , who, reproaching his wife bought him a paddle wool held to be true, he sees around him "a whole mystification. " And for this I recommend reading the fine book by Nicola Bux, Jesus the Saviour. Times and places of his coming in history, Cantagalli, 2009.

Friday, December 24, 2010

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Stefano from Putignano (1491 - 1538)
Nativity Church
matrix di San Pietro in Putignano

Lux fulgebit hodie super nos: quia natus est nobis Dominus:
et vocabitur Admirabilis, Deus, Princeps pacis,
Pater futuri seculi: cujus regni non erit finis.

(Missale romanum: introitus alla Messa dell'aurora)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pityriasis Rosea Penis



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Fix A Cut Cable Cord

Most 'rich undiscovered shipwrecks

Here are the wrecks of the most 'rich shipwrecks to be discovered or uncovered part.
Flor de la Mar - Sumatra, Malaysia
Among the richest shipwreck ever recovered in the 16th century, the Portuguese ship, Flor de la Mar in 1511 sank in a storm off the northern coast of the treasures contained Sumatra.Essa stolen the kingdom of Melaka including 60 tons of gold are still to be discovered in spite of being in some of the best waters' visit to the world by divers.
Merchant Royal - Dartmouth, United Kingdom
One of the most 'great treasure found in Britain is 21 miles (34 km) from Land's End in Cornwall. The Merchant Royal, returning to England with a cargo of English treasure affondo'a because of a storm September 23, 1641, contained 500 bars of gold, silver and precious stones.
San Jose - Peninsula Baru, Colombia
In 1708, during the War of English Succession, the British commander, Charles Wagner captured and sunk the English ship San Jose, less than 1000 feet (305 meters) of clear water between the Isla del Tesoro (known as Treasure Island) and Baru Penisola.Il load of San Jose is now estimated to worth over a billion dollars. Nuestra Senora de Atocha
- Key West, Florida, USA
In 1985, in Florida, the treasure hunter Mel Fisher found the mother lode, when, after 16 years of chasing this ship has located the wreck of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha about 35 miles (56 km) off the coast of Key West, Florida.Ha recovered over 40 tons of silver and gold, 100,000 Colombian emeralds and English coins, and yet was not discovered everything.
HMS Victory - the English Channel, United Kingdom In 2009, the U.S. company Odyssey Marine Exploration announced that it has discovered the Lord Nelson's flagship, which sank in 1744, a group of rocks known as The Casquets near the Channel Islands . is thought to contain more than 100,000 gold coins.
Notre Dame de la Deliverance - Key West, Florida, USA
In November of 1755 the English galleon of Notre Dame de la De la liverance carrying treasures collected from mines in Mexico, Peru and Colombia.affondo in a hurricane, 40 miles from Key West, Florida. Containing an estimated $ 2 billion in gold and silver, the place dell'affondamemto was discovered in 2003 but has yet to be recovered. Junk
Hoi An - Da Nang Peninsula, Vietnam
During 1990 a junk was discovered in more than 260 feet (79 meters) of water, 14 miles (22.5 km) from the peninsula of Da Nang, Vietnam. It seems to be of Thai origin, its load of spectacular blue and white and polychrome pottery, painted with human figures, landscapes, fish, birds and mythological animals, dates back to Vietnam's Golden Age of the mid 15th century.

Friday, December 17, 2010

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The nature and nature to take.
A ship sank in the 14th century and containing green and gray pottery was found off of some remote Indonesian islands recently hit by a tsunami.
The fishermen who found the ship on Oct. 26 believe that a wave off the Mentawai Islands - which has killed more than 500 people - a ship held up to 7 meters from the ocean floor and pushed closer to shore, said Yosmeri , head west of Sumatra Fisheries and Maritime Department.
wooden ships laden with ceramic pots, necklaces of gold and precious spices have for centuries navigated Indonesian waters, a key trade route linking Asia with Europe and the Middle East.
vases, jugs and bowls found last week have yet to be tested to determine their origin and age, but added that the artifacts are similar to the 14th century is located inside the sunken Chinese ship.
local fishermen say they have found the wooden ship after finding his tree 4 miles (6 km) from the beach I paid off Island, hardest hit by the tsunami.
They immersed themselves in the water and emerged with several well-preserved jugs and vases found in the hull, which they said was full of other treasures.
Images of the finds were made in the capital, Jakarta, and teams will be sent in area early to make a wider search

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Watery Cm 4 Days Before Period


Twenty four kilograms of coins dating from the 18th century were found in a private residence in Hai Phong City.
The coins were given to the City Museum this week, said Do Xuan Trung, deputy director of the museum.
Nguyen Van Bay was busy with renovation work of a small wooden pier on a pond outside his house in Quoc Tuan Commune, Lao district, when he found ancient coins.
Trung said that after the cleaning and sorting, they found that some coins were minted during the reign of Qianlong of China, while others were produced by the rebellious peasants of Vietnam in the 18th century.
coins were packed in a jar in colorful pottery and hidden in the pond. Inside the vessel were also zinc bronze doubloons that have taken a dark color over the years. The family
Bay was honored by the Museum for their discovery and their willingness to have it delivered to the museum.
Trung said the city museum has a vast collection of ancient coins, but to date no archaeologist had ever made a discovery of this entity. The ancient treasures are gathering dust in the museum for lack of health experts. The coins are likely to have recently discovered a similar fate.


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treasures found in a Chinese river

In a river of a township of Pengshan, in Sichuan province was beaten by treasure hunters since a bronze sheet was discovered. Local government officials said that the gold rush is cause for concern.
People look up at the Minjiang River in township Jiangkou, Pengshan, where Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), the leader of a peasant revolt during the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), sank several boats full of jewels.
An item that is a pot of gold was found in the river bed has raised interest among local residents. The local cultural office has Declarations that was only a bronze plaque is not gold, but nevertheless not succeeded in stopping the rush.
Mingfang Liao, Party secretary of the village in Shuangjiang Jiangkou, told the Global Times that about 300 treasure hunters have visited the bank of the Minjiang river every day.
Liao said that some of them have found gold or silver jewelry and sold them or kept. "Some villagers have sold a ring or a necklace for 50,000 yuan (7,500 dollars)," said Liao.
"Only three officials of the Cultural Relic Bureau Pengshan arrived on the river bank to stop the gold miners, but none of the diggers has complied with their orders," said Liao. According
the Law on Protection of Cultural Relics, who refuses to hand over the cultural relics could be fined up to 50,000 yuan ($ 7,499) and the items will be confiscated.

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Many U.S. states and parts of Canada have their own anecdotes
lost gold of the Confederacy. seconcdo Warren Getler and Bob Brewer
, the authors of Rebel Gold, in the sixties of the 1800 South
spies from all over the confederation
buried millions of dollars in gold to one part, another in Canada, with the hope
financiers of a second war in the future.
Some believe that much of this gold has been transferred in the southern states. The
Confederate gold stories abound, but one stands out over other
piu'duraturi and is one of the mysteries of Georgia.
When gold coins and bullion disappeared in l865
worth about $ 100,000. Today, this treasure would be worth over a million dollars.
On 24 May 1865, two caravans were loaded with a small fortune in gold
. A caravan contained what was left of the treasure of
confederation, the AITR was full of money from banks
of Virginia. There are several versions of how many wagons were on the
contain and where they were. , Duly
Lincoln County Tourism 'states: seven wagons laden with gold set off da'Washington [in
Georgia] Direct Abbeville, Calorina in the south, where gold was
be sent by rail to the capital of the confederation,
Riclimond, Virginia. Other stories tell that the gold was taken away from virginia
hastily when Jefferson Davis took to flight.
Another version says that the money was still led by the captain of
marina'William H. Parker and his men to Anderson,
in South Carolina, and then to Savannah, where it was loaded onto a ship bound for France
. The French had provided large sums to finance
the cause of the Confederation and Jefferson Davis
swear I would have repaid the loan. It seems that Parker
Nelia the Chennault plantation camped out
Washington, Georgia, where he met with Jefferson Davis.
He was told to go to Augusta and Savannah and stay away from
Union troops deployed in force throughout Georgia.
set off, and after he had stumbled in the Union forces,
almost immediately had to go back to the plantation of
Chennault. Parker could not ask for new instructions, because
Jefferson Davis was gone. Then his unit was attacked by guerrillas
a few meters from the house. Parker and his escape with the loot, but many
believe that they can not take it all away, they have buried in
plantation and its surroundings. Others argue that the gold was distributed
but the locals and some voices claim that a large part
stara be buried where they meet the Apalachee and Oconee rivers. But the legend that survives
much gold was buried somewhere
Parre Neila plantation.
Union troops occupied the plantation immediately to try
Gold and brutally tortured family
Chennault and other members of the estate to make them confess to the place where to dig.
were also brought to Washington to be questioned again, but none of them knew
or none of them reveal the place where the treasure was lost
. The planting of
Chennault, after this, was dubbed the golden
farm. "Many treasure hunters
blend with the property in search of gold. Many gold coins have been dragged
from heavy rains along muddy trails near the plantation, but the
largest part is hidden.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tokyo Mauri Desert Eagle


The Double Eagle gold coins were minted from $ 20
between 1850 and 1933. Play on one side of the standing figure freedom 'and the other an eagle
. They were called up to Double Eagles
time because of the California Gold Rush in the currency's highest
worth 10 dollars. Today there are more rare and valuable coins in the world.
When he became president of the United States in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt
brought the country out of the gold standard so that the economy could
recover from the Great Depression. He da1la movement withdraw all
gold coins, so it became illegal to possess. Many citizens
deliver their gold to banks, but in the meantime, the U.S. Mint
had 445,000 coins minted $ 20 de1 1933. Not
were never put into circulation, but were merged and destroyed.
Initially it was thought that they had destroyed all but two
entrusted to the Smithsonian so that the preserves. However,
A few years later, when the Double Eagles began to reappear in
auction houses, it became clear that many of them had been stolen from Pima to be destroyed.
American intelligence services went into action to trace illegal money now and found that U.S. Mint Director George McCann had stolen dieci.Alla end they were found only nine but finished tenth in the collection of King Farouk of Egypt, one of the greatest coin collectors in the world. This specimen, along with two of the Smithsonian Institute, are the only three still esistenti.Nel 1944, to export a double eagle of 1933, King Farouk asked for a license, the Treasury Department granted because at that time ignored the theft of ten coins. Only after the Department became aware of having committed a blunder from
legally and diplomatically. Money, in fact, was illegal and stolen
for more, but at the height of World War II was not
certainly should raise a diplomatic incident, where i'Egitto
had a very important strategic location in the heart of the Mediterranean.
So the CIA had to wait until in 1952, Farouk was deposed.
and his collection of coins put up for auction.
However, soon after the U.S. government had ordered
ufficialmenre the Egyptian government to remove the money stolen from the auction and
return to the United States, this vanished for half a century.
reappeared in 1996 when a prominent and respected coin dealer, Stephen Fenton
English, harbor at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York a
de1 Double Eagle 1933 for sale to American collectors. The federal agents were
collectors, Fenton was arrested and the money
confiscata.Si think it belonged to the same collection of Farouk.
Fenton was issued and court proceedings to protect its reputation and demonstrate
the legitimate right of ownership. Meanwhile
first coin was kept in a vault at the World Trade Center. The matter was settled out of court
and money was transferred to Fort Knox, Kentucky in
, while Preparations were made to be auctioned.
The auction took place at Sotheby's July 30, 2002, and the coin was sold for 7,590,020 dollars
to an anonymous bidder. The director of the Mint
American, Henrietta Holsman Fore, spoke of money as more 'valuable
the world. David Redden, vice chairman of Sotheby's, and Lawrence R.
Stack, Stack de1la CEO, stated:
The story of this coin, and one of the most 'great numismatic mysteries of all time
. Still, the currency is on display at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The currency now legal tender. After the auction, the U.S. Mint
gave it full ownership, making it the only Double Eagle, 1933
for which private ownership is allowed. Any other movement is still illegal in
because stolen, and in a dry
official communication i1 Treasury Department said that every coin
uiteriormente found will be confiscated and destroyed.

Monday, December 13, 2010

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He was doing the gardening in the garden when the hoe meets the head of an Egyptian sculpture of the 1700 BC

The owner said he did not know how she arrived in her garden, but the value of the eel sells for 10,000 pounds.

The discovery was made in the city of Derby in England and probably will enrich the Egyptian collection at the British Museum.

The owner wanted to remain incognito, but the museum curator said that after having understood what it was and its antiquities was pleased not to have made him too many signs with the hoe.


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Excavations near Autun, France, led to the discovery of an ancient district made up of shops and homes wealthy.
During the last weeks of searching, archaeologists have also discovered a large deposit of coins in Roman times.
Buried in a hole sealed with tile, there were about 100,000 Roman coins dating from the late third century AD It is very small bronze coins, each heavy approximately 0, 4 ounces, for a total of about 38 kg.
are examples of "unofficial", as indeed was widespread during this period was very troubled that the second half of the third century. At that time the Roman Empire was hit by a series of dire crisis: the wars between pretenders to the throne, epidemics, financial and political weight of the army, the pressure at the border, the economic crisis, etc..
The state could not fully guarantee the continuity and control of the monetary system. Then began to appear bronze coin of little value, that we call "money of necessity" even though produced by individuals, were more or less tolerated by the state. Mimicked low emissions officers and effigies were difficult to identify.
coins found at Autun resemble those typical of the third century, such as those made coin under the Emperor Tetricus.
The high content of copper in the coins has also allowed the wicker basket, in which the pieces were preserved, partly to preserve itself.
Although you may have some value, the coins were probably buried treasure, but a repository of discarded pieces to be recovered. The pit was not the case in a foundry.
To restore a sound monetary economics, Emperors had initiated reforms and tried to replace the old coins that had no other value that it was not that of their metal.
The deposit of coins in Autun may be related to the reforms of Diocletian during Tetrarchy (late third century â € "beginning of IV).

source = 2