Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Do Indianmen Like Curves?

treasures found in a Chinese river

In a river of a township of Pengshan, in Sichuan province was beaten by treasure hunters since a bronze sheet was discovered. Local government officials said that the gold rush is cause for concern.
People look up at the Minjiang River in township Jiangkou, Pengshan, where Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), the leader of a peasant revolt during the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), sank several boats full of jewels.
An item that is a pot of gold was found in the river bed has raised interest among local residents. The local cultural office has Declarations that was only a bronze plaque is not gold, but nevertheless not succeeded in stopping the rush.
Mingfang Liao, Party secretary of the village in Shuangjiang Jiangkou, told the Global Times that about 300 treasure hunters have visited the bank of the Minjiang river every day.
Liao said that some of them have found gold or silver jewelry and sold them or kept. "Some villagers have sold a ring or a necklace for 50,000 yuan (7,500 dollars)," said Liao.
"Only three officials of the Cultural Relic Bureau Pengshan arrived on the river bank to stop the gold miners, but none of the diggers has complied with their orders," said Liao. According
the Law on Protection of Cultural Relics, who refuses to hand over the cultural relics could be fined up to 50,000 yuan ($ 7,499) and the items will be confiscated.


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