Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Swollen Gums Throat Fever


Many U.S. states and parts of Canada have their own anecdotes
lost gold of the Confederacy. seconcdo Warren Getler and Bob Brewer
, the authors of Rebel Gold, in the sixties of the 1800 South
spies from all over the confederation
buried millions of dollars in gold to one part, another in Canada, with the hope
financiers of a second war in the future.
Some believe that much of this gold has been transferred in the southern states. The
Confederate gold stories abound, but one stands out over other
piu'duraturi and is one of the mysteries of Georgia.
When gold coins and bullion disappeared in l865
worth about $ 100,000. Today, this treasure would be worth over a million dollars.
On 24 May 1865, two caravans were loaded with a small fortune in gold
. A caravan contained what was left of the treasure of
confederation, the AITR was full of money from banks
of Virginia. There are several versions of how many wagons were on the
contain and where they were. , Duly
Lincoln County Tourism 'states: seven wagons laden with gold set off da'Washington [in
Georgia] Direct Abbeville, Calorina in the south, where gold was
be sent by rail to the capital of the confederation,
Riclimond, Virginia. Other stories tell that the gold was taken away from virginia
hastily when Jefferson Davis took to flight.
Another version says that the money was still led by the captain of
marina'William H. Parker and his men to Anderson,
in South Carolina, and then to Savannah, where it was loaded onto a ship bound for France
. The French had provided large sums to finance
the cause of the Confederation and Jefferson Davis
swear I would have repaid the loan. It seems that Parker
Nelia the Chennault plantation camped out
Washington, Georgia, where he met with Jefferson Davis.
He was told to go to Augusta and Savannah and stay away from
Union troops deployed in force throughout Georgia.
set off, and after he had stumbled in the Union forces,
almost immediately had to go back to the plantation of
Chennault. Parker could not ask for new instructions, because
Jefferson Davis was gone. Then his unit was attacked by guerrillas
a few meters from the house. Parker and his escape with the loot, but many
believe that they can not take it all away, they have buried in
plantation and its surroundings. Others argue that the gold was distributed
but the locals and some voices claim that a large part
stara be buried where they meet the Apalachee and Oconee rivers. But the legend that survives
much gold was buried somewhere
Parre Neila plantation.
Union troops occupied the plantation immediately to try
Gold and brutally tortured family
Chennault and other members of the estate to make them confess to the place where to dig.
were also brought to Washington to be questioned again, but none of them knew
or none of them reveal the place where the treasure was lost
. The planting of
Chennault, after this, was dubbed the golden
farm. "Many treasure hunters
blend with the property in search of gold. Many gold coins have been dragged
from heavy rains along muddy trails near the plantation, but the
largest part is hidden.


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