Friday, December 31, 2010

The Largest Tiger Ever

Letter to the pastor's wishes Nicola Bux

while the year 2010 is about to close, I share some reflections to a greater awareness of the call and mission of each.
"What has Europe's culture its foundation, the search for God and the readiness to listen to him, remains today the basis of any genuine culture" (Benedict XVI in Paris in 2008). The goal of the liturgy is to meet God, the most important thing in life because it is well that our soul desires - the desiderium natural dividend payments Deum of St. Thomas Aquinas - because he created and through which remains forever, is the so-called eschatological dimension of the liturgy, which is why, even before the liturgy with music and art should encourage the sacred quaerere Deum (search for God). Thus, the liturgy feeds the thirst for another world, the fact of truth and beauty, to orient the eye: the reality of Christ that never goes away. Another world announced and prefigured by the liturgy so that it is a non-negotiable. The signs of the liturgy are in a sense planted by the Lord himself, in the "forest" that crosses the path of our life, so that it can more easily meet: Jesus was born because through Him we were kidnapped by the visible realities of love of invisible ( for visibility to invisibilia ) as stated in the preface of Christmas.
"The liturgy is the tradition itself in its highest degree of power and solemnity" (P. Guéranger). This, As the Blessed John Henry Newman, the Church is a living organism, constantly growing. While we hear the usual preaching against consumerism of Christmas, we are called not to complain because the world does not believe, but to awaken in others the fascination with the cristianesimo.Nella our company and friendship, we experience an encounter with Christ, to the point that one who encounters us say: "I've never seen anything like it."
Therefore, as our school is based on three pillars:
  • training philosophy of the Aristotelian-Thomistic;
  • inspiration to the Rule of St. Benedict;
  • fidelity to liturgical prayer, especially in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, should help to discover and spread the music and sacred art.
in Domino Iesu
Nicola Bux


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