Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Absessed Tooth And Bells Palsy

publish below a letter written to his pastor from a reader which raises the question of the "novus ordo well celebrated." We then asked prof. Vito Abbruzzi a short comment.

Dear Pastor,
I swear, without any provocative intent, but - thanks to the fact that I would consider what I say - I really want a sincere advice than you told me about the preference that we have in participating in the Holy Mysteries in the parish community to which we belong (without being "stateless").
Then, I'll take the example of today.
The chorus of infants with (only) guitars and songs that speak of everything except the mystery, including "Hallelujah" and "Ghost" stadium with the gestures of evangelical Pentecostals, do not consider it because I understand that this is me and I have to keep.
But - damn! - Today was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Mass had everything covered except for this one! (The Eucharistic Sacrifice, in fact, has already disappeared from the horizon of most of the faithful, given that not even kneel down and continue to chew gum and turn off cell phones as if nothing had happened, unaware of being in the presence of the Logos made bread from their mouths to eat ... always if you do not take it with your hands to make who knows ...).
fact had the priority, in order:
- the day of the diocesan vocations and seminary;
- the day of the membership of the Catholic
- the presentation of candidates for Confirmation (the parish where I was) ...
Ergo, all we talked about in the homily for the Solemnity except that the universal Church celebrates today! (Moreover, after a few minutes Homily - seminar, vocations Catholic action - the celebrant has left the microphone to two seminarians for two testimonials ... which, however, I feel absolutely forbidden).
short, a disaster. Really the series "How go to Mass and do not lose faith " (as the title of the latest book by Nicola Bux).
front of these things as not understanding (or rather, worse, condemn) those who "run away" (and I assure you that all over the world are increasingly) to the ancient rite (even if we know that in reality the novus ordo is not well celebrated what they just saw)?
And I assure you, to direct knowledge, that I was unlucky this "show" was aired in many parishes Wednesday and many of the faithful in the Church where I was as well as in others, have experienced the same discomfort.
aside the choice of the wicked priest to focus all these "events" in a Mass (and formal), making it a sort of variety of Italian television Saturday night, where many artists succeed on the stage (and all ' Single Artist leaving in the end, the remaining time before you take away the line, some scrap of attention), I wonder if we really "Agenda" of the local church, even super-local associations, can have so much leadership on the "agenda" of the universal Church. In all honesty, I think not. Considering also that the Solemnity of the Catholic Church today is one of the most important year for several reasons.
I confess that at one point of the homily (specifically the second seminarians that the testimony of witness was not because of anything he spoke at random) I thought I'd get up and leave to attend another Mass later in the day. I did not only not to give any "Scandal" to other believers.
Now, I do not want to ask you to speak ill of the brother or the parish or the association; what you want to ask is: why should I have your opinion, in these real "torture"? Because it would be unfair for example that I participate in some other priest who celebrates Mass in another parish, including the ancient rite, if they find it more spiritual nourishment? It is perhaps one of the first rules of spiritual discernment that asks us to verify the presence of spiritual consolation and desolation, as only the first is certainly true in the sense from God?
As you see I do not despise what you say, indeed, I keep thinking about it. However, I still do not understand it. Or rather, I understand it in its assiomaticità, abstract (in theory each of us should live in their own communities), but the reality into account the pattern does not hold. Why do I need to dry up spiritually and "blood acid" (movements that are most likely are not inspired by God) by participating in such Masses?
In Jesu et Maria

A legitimate question
Vito Abbruzzi

Francis asks what is the preference that we have in participating in the SS. Mysteries in the parish community to which we belong (without being 'stateless'). "
His is a legitimate question, post "without any provocative intent." Legitimate because it does not want to harm the "communion with the Church" that communion, as states the same Code of Canon Law (CIC), "the faithful are obliged ( adstringuntur obligation) to preserve forever, even in their own way of acting" (Canon 209 § 1). Is in the name of this legitimacy that "the faithful have the right to demonstrate to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires" (Can. 212, § 2). That would amount to "necessity" and "wishes" that can not be dismissed, since "the faithful have the right to worship God according to the provisions of their own rite approved by the legitimate pastors of the Church and to follow their own method of life spiritual, but it should be in accordance with the doctrine of the Church "(Can. 214).
Ergo, Francis - like any other faithful - could very freely choose a church that knows where to go to Mass, not only does not run the risk of losing their faith, but makes you even buy. But is it right that he does this "their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires" - as the CIC - the first of his pastor, who, valuing them with intelligence, will realize the goodness of them. After all, you need our priests is a good school of marketing (as well as homiletics) is alone would realize that the true trump card - even in economic terms - lies in offering a wider range liturgy, including the celebration of Mass and other sacraments in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. Beat, so the competition other colleagues who willingly accept "those who - in the words of Francis - 'escape' [...] to the ancient rite."


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