Monday, January 31, 2011

Wording For Archery Party

For live rock aesthetics is not enough

Paul Portuguese

The Church of Jesus the Redeemer at the opening of Modena deserves a thorough debate on the undoubted quality and architectural work, both in the liturgical setting, very innovative.
The church project is a pilot project launched by the Italian Bishops Conference, in 2000, the new churches of Modena, Foligno and Catanzaro, Squillace, won respectively by Mauro Galantino, Massimiliano Fuksas and Alexander Pizzolato.
Galantino The project clearly demonstrated the will to see the church as part of a system of functional spaces in parish life, giving the start to the "recognition" of the Church as such. The liturgical setting, prepared with Monsignor Joseph Arosio, as liturgist, but did not contain elements of novelty that characterize the other hand, the work undertaken that sees the community of the faithful divided into two opposing armies with a huge void in the middle to the end of which place the altar and the ambo.
In this innovative position, which might recall, regardless of bipolarity, the choir of the monastic churches, are carried out a series of aspirations often highlighted in the debate of recent decades: to recognize the lectern or greater dignity compared to the altar as the center of the liturgy of the word, to surround the presbytery, according to the demands of the German movement of liturgical innovation and to give greater dynamism in the liturgical event.
The impression that one test, attending Mass, but it is deeply disappointing. The two opposing armies and wander between the two poles of the celebrants bring a crisis not only the traditional unity of the worshiping community, but also what was the great achievement of Vatican II, the image of God's people meeting on the move. Why do you look in the face? Why do not you look
together to places fundamental the liturgy and the image of Christ?
Why are opposing points of the liturgy rather than side by side? Imprisoned in the pews, divided into areas such as the cohorts of an army, the faithful are obliged, remaining buildings, change the direction of the look right now to left now. The figure of the crucified in order to avoid the banality (holy platitudes just want to say!) Of the central location is located on the side of the altar and at the row of the left, with the inevitable consequence of not being reached by the look of many of the faithful if not at risk of stiff neck.
Benedict XVI, in a passage of his book: Introduction the spirit of the Liturgy (now included in the eleventh volume of the complete works, just released), quoting Josef A. Jungmann, one of the fathers of the Constitution on the Liturgy of Vatican II, wrote about the original shape of the liturgical assembly, "They do not close in a circle, do not look at each other, but, as God's people on the way, are starting to the east, toward the Christ who is coming, and comes to us. " The original form of Christian prayer can not tell us anything today or do we simply try our form, the form for our time? Obviously there is only a desire to imitate the past. Every age has to find and express the essential. That matters is therefore continue to discover what is essential through the epochal changes. It would certainly be wrong to reject entirely new forms of our century. It was right near the altar to the people, often too far from the faithful (...) was equally important to return to clearly distinguish the place of the liturgy of the word than the Liturgy of the Eucharist is real, however, essential to the common (...) orientation towards the east during the Eucharistic prayer. This is not something accidental, but the essential. "
Even in recent post-synodal apostolic exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis and Verbum Domini, Pope Benedict XVI offered on reflection and valuable guidance for the religious architecture that shows the futility of experiments that go beyond what the Second Vatican Council recommended affirming the compatibility between tradition and progress, urging not to introduce "innovations if they do not require a real established and welfare of the Church, and with the caveat that the new forms that gives rise organically, in some way from existing "(Sacrosanctum Concilium , III, 23).
In Sacramentum Caritatis states that: "An important element of sacred art is church architecture in the course which must be the unity between the particulars of the presbytery, altar, crucifix, tabernacle, ambo, home. " In Verbum Domini is also addressed the problem of the altar, ambo, "Special attention should be given to the lectern, as a place from which the liturgical is proclaimed the Word of God, it must be placed in a conspicuous place, which spontaneously ask the attention of the faithful during the liturgy of the Word.
is good that it is fixed, established as a sculptural element in aesthetic harmony with the altar, in order to represent visually the theological meaning of the twofold table of the Word and the Eucharist. "
is to be hoped that these ad hoc interventions by the Chair of St. Peter do liturgists and architects who understand the re-evangelization also passes through the church with the "c" so tiny and requires the effort of creative innovation, but also a careful consideration the tradition that has always been not pure preservation, but delivery of a legacy to build on.
What trends exist in the life of the church who support the thesis that involve liturgical practice is certainly a sign of vitality, but a church should be open to all, beyond the trends, striving to find and express the essential.
In terms of architecture, the church of Modena stays true to the spirit of rationalism, but his language, programmatically indifferent to the place, evokes in its ostentatious horizontality, the Netherlands has seen the rise of the plain, through the work of Mondrian and van Doesburg that process of abstraction and decomposition of volume that informs the De Stijl movement. Galantino in particular evokes the refined compositions of volumetric Dudok that mediate between abstraction and accuracy executive.
In harmonious volume all volumes analyze and examine the features of the environments that make up the body parish. Where are the saints, however, signs that make recognize the Church? The only sign, the presence of the bells - which could also be in a town hall.
no attention to the symbolic values \u200b\u200bof the entrance and inside the beautiful crucifix is \u200b\u200bplaced Zelma Bert van - as we have seen - in the background.
iconological The role is entrusted to two images that define consumerism: a "garden of olive trees" placed behind the altar in a small courtyard where trees suffer from the poor, and the "waters of the Jordan" reduced to a channel of water standing between two close walls that ends in the baptistery.
Inside, the roof curves down just where are located the sanctuary and the assembly and light, having lost all symbolic, down to the shoulders of the faithful where the ceiling is raised. Despite the pleasant and balanced, the sharpness of the design, the space is that of a beautiful meeting room in which nothing Claim transcendence and the path of the pilgrim people to safety.
The church of Modena is the clear demonstration that the aesthetic quality of architecture is not enough space to make a real church, a place where the faithful are helped to feel the living stones of a temple in which Christ is the cornerstone.

from L'Osservatore Romano, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bottomless Tostada Chips

The liturgy which place educational and revelatory

Vito Abbruzzi

A thing that immediately strikes the new reading "by the Italian Bishops Pastoral Guidelines for the decade 2010-2020" (October 4, 2010 data with the title Educating the good life of the Gospel ) in liturgical matters and to ascertain the recovery and relaunch of the "urgency to clarify the importance of the liturgy which place educational and revelatory ", stated in n. 49 of Communicating the Gospel in a changing world : document with which the CEI dictated the previous "Pastoral Guidelines" for the years 2000-2010.
At no 39 of 'Educating for good life of the Gospel we read that "the liturgy permanent school is training around the Risen Lord,' and educational site revelatory 'where faith takes form and is transmitted" and "that among the numerous activities carried out by the parish, none is as vital or formative community as the Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist. "
It is based on these guidelines of the CEI, the "Ecclesia Mater" can do school, stressing the peculiarities of the Liturgy as a true educational and revelatory place where faith takes form and is transmitted . And this not without a proper and constructive criticism in light of what we read in paragraph 6 of the "Apostolic Letter Spiritus et Sponsa of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II in XL anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium of 4 December 2003: " Forty years on, you should check the path taken. On other occasions I have suggested a sort of examination of conscience about the reception of Vatican II. That assessment does not also consider the liturgical and sacramental life. "She lived the liturgy as the 'source and summit' of ecclesial life, according to the teaching of Sacrosanctum Concilium ? . The rediscovery of the value of the Word of God, that liturgical reform has worked, found a positive response in our celebrations? The extent to which the liturgy has entered the concrete lived of the faithful and the steady rhythm of individual communities? It is understood as a way of holiness, inner strength of the apostolic dynamism and missionary church? .
However, referring also to ' editorial Commitment of December 2010, signed by Don Peppino Cito and Don Gaetano Luca (respectively directors of the catechetical and liturgical offices of the diocese of Conversano- Monopoly) guessed the title "Why do not we educate celebrating?" I believe that this series of questions representing, indeed, a "i nterrogativo of provocation "; provocation to think calmly, but also very serious because of the" regret "expressed by the two priests estimated when they say, " P eccato not take advantage of enough time to make education celebration the people of God! .
One of their brothers in the priesthood, at an even unsuspected, he wrote: "Today, even from more frequent delusions and declared certain about the outcome of the liturgical reform, realizing that someone is in the ardor and enthusiasm of purification post-conciliar may have thrown away the baby with the bathwater. The liturgy, in fact, has always been a synthesis of words and no obvious signs. Coming from a culture that gives priority to us the word, nell'illuministica belief that it is the best (at times seems to understand the only) means of communication, it has come to believe that the greatest obstacle to understanding the language was Latin . So, with the translation of the liturgy in the vernacular, it has perhaps been led to believe that the problem was the active participation of the faithful, if not entirely, at least in large part, resolved. But is this true? When the liturgy was in Latin, because people will participate fruitfully in the wall formed by incomprehensibility of the language had actually stimulated the creation of signs that were understood as such, that transmit a message that there was no need to go through the mediation of the word, signs that they had some finesse and articulation of verbal explanations, but that were no less important, as they were meta that transmitted globally visible and suggested the idea and the corresponding emotional response. Today, however, we strongly feel that a relapse is not happy about the liturgical reform was the ' flood of words and the drainage of signs "(D. Pezzini, time redeemed. Incursions in the liturgical , ed. Anchor, Milan 2002, pp. 31-32).
is in this light that we can, therefore, to interpret the very pertinent question that you are the aforementioned two when priests in their editorial on 'educating celebrating "write" S so strange that he would have , in the decade dedicated to ' educate, to enable think, priests and laity in the art of celebrating ? . No, not strange at all, but we must first of all and above educate all our minds and, most importantly, our minds to consider that "the liturgy is part of the tradition and outside it is not clear: it is among the sources of Revelation Dei Verbum described by the conciliar Constitution on Divine Revelation. Evokes the divine worship of the Lord's sovereignty over all its majesty, its size, its mystery, its right to worship "(N. Bux, How to go to church and do not lose faith , ed. Piemme, Milano 2010, p. 52).
Hence the need to reconsider and reassess within our liturgies the importance of "religious listening "- speaks of the very DV to no 1 - through the ' observance of the "sacred silence", as recommended in Sacrosanctum Concilium paragraph 30 and over in the et Spiritus Sponsa paragraph 13 as "something that will nurture more closely within our community." L ' Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff this connection, it states that "silence is a liturgical sacred silence, sacrum silentium " it is "an integral part both of' ars celebrandi of Ministers, as the actuosa participatio the faithful. " This last statement finally puts to rest too many pseudo-liturgists - including our own "liturgical animators" - who, misunderstood that ' active participation, "they miseducate the faithful to" celebrate the sacred mysteries "( as they say at the beginning of Mass).
But what does "worthy celebrate the holy mysteries"? They tell us two worthy Benedictine abbots, spokespersons and speakers in Italy of that happy "liturgical renewal" launched in Solesmes, at the beginning of the last century from Sun Guéranger: Blessed Ildefonso Schuster and Emanuele Caronti. The first, speaking of "mass celebrated in order, with majesty, with deep pump" (Bux, How to go to Mass , cit., P. 70), the second warning by the umpires in the liturgical celebrations: "The 'liturgical action is celebrated with solemnity, in order, and decorum, but avoid in any way, any news - and, I might add, transgression -, adhering faithfully to the decrees of the Church "( there , p. 46 ).
It would be helpful to remark on the concept that "it would be impossible without tradition and transgression and innovation "(to use an expression attributed to Salvatore Natoli, a contemporary philosopher of secular inspiration, cited in L. Solis, All the colors of life, ed. SEI, Torino 2009, p. 278). But on this point I will come back another time, in greater depth.
What we now want to emphasize is that the same "Benedict XVI has not been watching: we must return to tradition to innovate, hence the need for renewed catechesis of the Eucharist" (Bux, How to go Mass , cit., p. 51), through which the Church can fully "to propose the authentic doctrine on divine revelation and its transmission in order for the proclamation of salvation the whole world may believe, believing it may hope, hope you love "( Dei Verbum, 1).

Bart Hits Homer In Bathtub

ITHACA. Wednesday, February 2, 20.45 at the Centro Culturale Candiani in Mestre

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Velveeta Ro*tel Pasta Commercial

Prayer for Christian Unity Why not educate

Lord Jesus Christ, that when you were about to suffer
, you prayed for your disciples to

until the end would be one, as
Thou with the Father, with Thee and the Father
, knock down the barriers of separation that divide
together Christians of different denominations
. Teach everyone
that the seat of Peter, the Holy Church of Rome
, is the foundation, the center and
the instrument of this unit.
Open their hearts to the Truth,
long forgotten, that our Holy Father, Pope
, is Thy Vicar and Representative.
And, as in heaven there is only one company
holy, so
on this earth there is only one community that professes
and glorify Thy Holy Name

Blessed John Henry Newman

Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby Dragon Ball Yaoi


Don Peppino and I quote Don Gaetano Luca

I nterrogativo of regret ; as saying: " shame that we take advantage of enough time to make education celebration of God's people."
But having said so, the risk of sounding like all the negative feedback on the commitment and efforts by the shepherds in receiving care many practicing Catholics who continue to crowd into a thousand different circumstances of their churches as if they were not already being educated, and more!
Regrets, in truth, it seems justified at least an elementary reading "cross" of the facts: how many people are still attending our meetings and celebratory yet still much religious ignorance among adults and young people of our enough to justify, even in religious matters, the term "illiteracy". How to say " more we keep them in church and not come trained."
But ... why do not we educate celebrating?
Question of provocation, as if to say try enabling as "educators" in places where the faithful, instead of desert, and without being asked, much less forced, but because of previous religious education, continue to crowd our churches for some mysterious reasons, some understandable especially to theologians to popular religious enthusiasts! So why do not we try to exploit " pedagogically " the many liturgical appointments still so rushed? From festive masses to those working from the triduums novenas from the funeral and thirtieth anniversaries, from weddings to the wedding of gold and silver, from christenings to first communions, and in every parish run every month (more than once per month) thousands of the faithful for at least 45 minutes! Nor is it a great idea!
already in the guidelines of the early millennium, the Italian bishops stated: "The Eucharistic celebration will be very significant place in the education mission of the community Christian ... There is an urgency to clarify the significance of the liturgy which place educational and revelatory " (CEI, Communicating the Gospel in a changing world , 49).
And so the new guidelines reiterate: "The liturgy is permanent school training around the Risen Lord," and educational site known "where faith takes form and is transmitted ... Among the many actions taken by the parish, "none is as vital and community-forming as the Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist" " (CEI, Educating the good life of the Gospel , 39).
And Benedict XVI, in his chapter of Sacramentum Caritatis dedicated to celebrating the acutely accurate and "pedagogically" "... the result is the mature mystagogy awareness that one's life is gradually transformed from the sacred mysteries celebrated. The aim of all Christian education, moreover, is true to form, as "new man" to an adult faith that enables him to testify in their own environment to the Christian hope that inspires " ( Sacramentum Caritatis, 64).
Then, it would be so strange that, in the decade dedicated to 'educating , enable them to think, priests and laity in the art of celebrating ? It is strange that this editorial on 'educating celebrating " be signed by two directors, one of the Catechetical Office and the Office Liturgical?
the answer to our readers.

(from Commitment , periodic information from the diocese Conversano-Monopoli, year 15, No. 10, December 2010, p. 1 )

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kate's Playground Mobile Vids

And if there comes to mind to criticize the 'Square Watches: Beware Vol

Purchase art for the Town Hall clock.
Date 14/10/2010
year two thousand and the fourteenth day of the month of October at at 13:30 in the assembly hall
usual met the town council with the assistance of Mr.:
Join the Municipal Secretary, Dr. Rachel Caristi
Chairman: Mayor Mr. Amedeo Arcodia.
/ AA.GG.
Date 12/10/2010 Purchase
clock Art for City Hall. Allocation amounts .-
 that the City, is a country rich in history, art, monuments and churches,
attracts many tourists who 
for its medieval center has been included amongst
the most beautiful towns of Italy;
 that the purpose of this Administration is to beautify the appearance of this little old town
 that for this purpose, the Town Hall is to provide a clock artistic
 that a survey of the cost of the watch market amounts to €
presumably 4500.00;
duty to ensure the purchase of a watch to be included in the facade of the Palazzo Comunale

2) to allocate for this purpose the Head of the General Affairs and the total sum of € 4500.00
noting that the same may be covered intervention code 2090101 / 3
the budget for the current executive law. The Municipal Secretary Dr. Rachel Caristi

... Greetings!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Can Mirena Make Me Taste Different

Masses in EF in Monteleone

Church of St. Giovanni Battista
Monteleone di Puglia (FG)

S. Mass in the extraordinary form

weekdays 8:30 am
Sundays and holy days of obligation at 12.00

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Does My Cat Nibble My Blanket

Found the sword of the pirate Barbenera

the wreck of Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the notorious pirate Blackbeard , reserves still surprises after two dozen guns, ammunition and thousands of artifacts, here check the hilt of a sword probably belonged to a high-ranking ( and possibly stolen during a raid of Blackbeard's crew). The Blackbeard, aka Edward Teach (probably born in Bristol around 1680, and died November 22, 1718) is considered a legendary pirate. Around him were born the stories of unspeakable cruelty and ghosts that inhabit the seas after his death on the battlefield by a group of soldiers and sailors set up to hunt down and kill the Queen Anne's Revenge pirata.La a vessel over 300 tons, was built in England in 1710, and launched under the name Concord. Captured the following year by the French, was adapted for the transport of slaves and renamed La Concorde de Nantes ". It was later re-captured by the pirate Benjamin Hornigold in 1717 near the island of Martinique, and entrusted to a member of his crew, which eventually would become the famous pirate Barbanera.Sotto the guidance of Teach, the Queen Anne's Revenge was wandering among the coast of Africa to the Caribbean ones, attacking any ship British, Dutch and Portuguese to take possession of sugar, cocoa , indigo, cotton and precious . The ship was left to dry, after the siege of the port of Charleston, near Beaufort, and remained intact (even if partially submerged) for about a year before the collapse and destroy itself. "In any case," says David Moore of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, "the pirates would have had the opportunity to take everything they considered of value." The hilt of the sword , therefore, may have been deemed unnecessary, or could have been inaccessible because of the gradual sinking of the ship.

spada nave barbanera
The fragments of the weapon (put back in the picture above) were found within 2 years from 2008 to 2010.La sword was probably decorative, although it could have been used in combat. Are visible on the pommel of the hilt of the flowers (iris) are typical emblems of Francia.Fino to now, only about half of the site of Queen Anne's Revenge (31 wreck known as CR 314) was excavated. They were found a dozen artillery pieces (loads), 24 cannon balls , weapons, and more than 16,000 artifacts including navigational instruments, medical equipment, personal items, cookware, anchor and 3.7 meters long wide 3.Ma who was Blackbeard? Certainly a person other than the one we saw in the movies. It was probably a tall and stout, with a long black beard, who wore two swords at the waist and a bandolier equipped with different weapons and coltelli.Il her only sighting was enough to give up most of its victims, almost all the assaults of Blackbeard ended without cadavere.Barbanera, also was not the typical tyrannical captain: he drove his fleet with the consent of the crew, having understood the importance of a happy crew and hardly inclined to mutiny (which is not uncommon on the pirate ship). He was very shrewd and a pirate Blackbeard calcolatore.La career lasted only a few years, but they were more than enough to make it an unforgettable figure in the history of piracy . Around 1718, its fleet consisted of four vessels and over 300 pirates. It is not known how many ships had attacked, but the number probably is around 50 unità.Oltre all'assakto ships at sea, we must remember also'assedio of Charleston in 1718, Blackbeard blockaded the fleet of the port city , stopping every ship intending to enter or leave the port. During nearly a week, nine ships were stopped and robbed by pirates Blackbeard.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keratin Removes Curl From Hair

to take a journey that began with Vatican II Mass


The spreading the Gospel in the sign of the continuity of teaching. Partly as a response to the growing Christianophobia which manifests itself in different parts of the world, even in traditionally Christian countries. This is one of the main objectives of the mission of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization - launched by Benedict XVI and the motu proprio Ubicumque et semper of September 21, 2010 - which just a few days ago he received an injection of new energy with the appointment of several members and consultants. The specific mission of the department speaks in this interview with our newspaper, the President, Archbishop Rino Fisichella.

What message he wanted to give the pope by setting up a department to promote the new evangelization?

You need a premise. The foundation of the department is an ideal conclusion to a journey which began with Vatican II. In the mind of John XXIII was to be a council can speak of God in the contemporary world. In the inauguration speech not by chance that Pope John remembered that the contents of the Christian message never changes, to change, if anything, is how to transmit them, because the contemporary world can understand them without misunderstanding. It is a journey that starts from Dei Verbum and then continues with LG . The Church, guardian of the Word of God becomes the light of humanity, as pointed out by Benedict XVI at the Mass for the Epiphany. And do not forget to be ad gentes, ie mission continues. Even today it stands in dialogue with the contemporary world. And is aware of having to find new ways of this dialogue, in order to be more understandable to our contemporaries. Therefore, the new evangelization is a journey marked by the Second Vatican Council comes to an end - as the Pope wanted us to understand - but to share towards new horizons.

After the session of the Council, Paul VI in 1973 convened the Synod of Bishops on Evangelization and in 1974 issued the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi . It was already clear indications on the way ahead?

L ' Evangelii nuntiandi is a key document in the life of the Church. Retains to this day is as topical now. Moreover, Benedict XVI quoted several times in this document letter in which he set up our department. Therefore should be considered without doubt an important step in the journey towards the creation of new pontifical council.

Then came John Paul II, who, with his prophetic insight, he coined the phrase "new evangelization."

not alone. In the whole of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II has continued to focus on the new evangelization, which in some contexts has been widely launched. All this, in the continuity of papal teaching, leads as a direct result of our ministry. Benedict XVI has established the peculiar task of rethinking and implementing the new evangelization, involving the whole episcopate worldwide.

What does this mean?

is the principal task of the pontifical council. And it is particularly important because of the constant search for significance compared with the episcopal conferences. They too are called to be an office within their structures similar to ours. A job that will take all its importance in the preparation and implementation of the Synod of Bishops in 2012, dedicated to the theme of the new evangelization.

This involvement also includes other departments of the Roman Curia?

course. Evangelization crisscrossing all the service plays in the Curia, the Pope and the Church. It could not be otherwise, since it is the very heart of the Church's mission. The Pope is the first to proclaim the Gospel. Then there are the bishops, with his presbytery, with the men and women religious and lay people. So it is inevitable that, in the service that makes the Curia Pope, evangelization is the first place. It is clear that there are some departments with which we will be called to work more closely together in a spirit of complementarity. I think, for example, the Pontifical Council for Culture, which opened a space, the "Court of the Gentiles," to allow you to place the question of God who is far away. Our department, however, must move on another front. We are called to proclaim Christ again, to re-present the gospel to those who have faith. We are called to revive the missionary spirit, the spirit that leads to many Christians, unfortunately, become indifferent to the many baptized people who today have lost faith.

But how to move in a world like this, characterized by social and religious situations so different?

course, in a phase of globalization as the one we are experiencing is hard to believe that the great problems of the metropolis of the world are not equal. I'm talking about all the problems: therefore also that of faith or strengthen to rebuild. Would first try to talk to the Christians of the Churches of ancient origin. That is why the West is more easily identified as the main objective of our mission. We speak of Christians and churches who live in areas shaped by Christianity.

Herein lies the difference with the missionary ministry of Propaganda?

Obviously this is different tasks. Propaganda must take the first proclamation. As the first ad is for the ministry of culture through the very peculiar world expressed through the cognitive tools of their philosophy, art and so on. I would say that our task is much more to intra: a widespread commitment that goes from the parish communities to different organizations working in the Church with the desire to give witness to their faith.

There is a difference between the approach in a secular society and that a secular society?

Secularism is the appendix of the phenomenon of secularization, one might say its extremes. Of course, one must distinguish the two dimensions. Secularization as such is a very complex phenomenon, but secularism is extremism that led to forms of relativism, autonomy exasperated that the man believes that it has and that ultimately only the individual right to food, forgetting their social responsibility. We claim that there is no force in the alleged autonomy from everyone and everything, first by God himself.

how her department will respond to these challenges?

First we will have a complete picture of the various initiatives, and many already are - in place in the Church in the five continents. We know that there are groups and movements very well organized, born at the time of John Paul II with the intent to promote and support the new evangelization. Many of these, for example, are already working in universities, campus, especially in the United States. There are other situations similar births in Latin America and have spread to several other continents, even in some European countries. There is a wealth of lay movements that have as their purpose the new evangelization. There are diocesan pastoral plans designed for this purpose. But all this is rather fragmented. The first objective of the department, therefore, is to know the realities in the field to harmonize and support the efforts of all, overcoming the fragmentation and fostering a great unity. The intent is to promote the complementarity of each group. The world today needs the signs, and signs unit: a sign of unity is precisely the testimony of a Church which proceeds in the path of the new evangelization. So working together, while respecting and enhancing the charisma of each.

How will he accomplish this knowledge work capillary?

I'm going to get to know the reality in which these bodies operate. I have visited many countries, I had important meetings with several bishops. We started working even when we did not have a physical location. My schedule is already full for 2011 until the end of June. I will be traveling the world constantly, in order to meet the protagonists of the new evangelization and to deal with their discussions of work and public debates.

they have found interest and expectations for the first steps of this office?

I would say yes. I received many positive entries in back to this event. There is a lot of expectation, not only in the Church, and a lot of curiosity, not only in the world.

There is a symbolic image that represents the new body's activities?

I chose the Sagrada Familia of Antoni Gaudí, represented in its comparison with the English metropolis. Stands in the heart of the secular city and wants to be a very concrete message. It is an invitation to use a new language to fill the huge space, without the Church, would remain as a void in the heart of the city. But it must be a language in keeping with everything that came before us, with what constitutes the rich heritage of our faith. La Sagrada Familia is actually a modern cathedral. All, however, recognize it as a church because it keeps to itself essential features almost two thousand years found expression in sacred art. I am convinced that a city without the sign of the presence of those who announce the Gospel, inviting people to look beneath the horizontal dimension of existence but to push it upward gaze, is a city he has within himself a deep void. Why not be open to hope. We do not want our contemporaries feel a void. For this reason we believe that it should not always be the man who announces the deep meaning of life, bearing witness to news of Jesus Christ.

is a void that is felt more and more distinctly in the old continent.

era of globalization is difficult to speak of old and new continents. Of course the reference is to Europe, and it is clear that it will be our special attention, if only because it is physically closer. In Europe we feel a growing dramatically Christianophobia occurring in countries of ancient Christian tradition. We are very concerned. So we feel the need to be more present and to recognize the mission of the Church for what it really is, not as is often presented in a distorted manner.

're also thinking of new ways to spread the gospel?

course. Here is another ground for collaboration and shared responsibility with the departments of the Curia, in this case with the Pontifical Council for Communication Social. We will move forward together. We are working on and ideas are not lacking.

taken by the Osservatore Romano of January 12, 2011

Woman With One Toothe

A rich Celtic grave discovered in Heuneburg

Celtic Grave of 2600 years ago was discovered near Heuneburg , a hill fortress of ovet in the south of Germany.
Inside was a treasure of gold jewelry, amber and bronze.
The underground chamber, 4 x 5 meters wide, was found in good condition: the oak floor, preserved intact, will allow scientists to determine the precise age dating of the tomb with the oak dendrochronology .
According to the excavation director, archaeologist Dirk Krausse, artifacts found indicate that the person buried was a woman belonged to the aristocracy of Heuneburg. To be sure we have to wait and laboratory tests, however, has so far been examined only a small part of the room. The entire room
weighs about 80 tons. It was lifted by two cranes and taken to a research center in Ludwigsburg. The results of analysis should be presented in June 2011.
Heuneburg is one of the oldest settlements Celts north of the Alps, and was a major commercial hub between the 620 and 480 BC
The grave and the objects will be exhibited in Stuttgart in 2012.
Source: The historical

Monday, January 10, 2011

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St. Alphonsus Maria de 'Liguori

Never any priest says Mass with the devotion due, if not the respect that it deserves such a sacrifice. It is certain that a man can not make a more more holy and sublime, which celebrate a Mass: nullum aliud opus, says the Council of Trent, in adeo sanctum Christi fidelibus tractari posse, quam hoc mysterium tremendum. God himself can not do that there is action in the world's largest, which celebrated the mass.
All ancient sacrifices, which was so honored God, were but a shadow and figure of our sacrifice of the altar. All the honors that have data and never give to God's Angels co 'ossequj them, and men with their works, penance and torment, nor may not have been able to come to give so much glory to the Lord, how many daughters he gives only one Mass; while all the honors of the creatures are honors finished, but the honor that God receives the sacrifice of the altar, there venendogli offer a victim of infinite value, it is an honor to infinity. The development is therefore an action that goes to God the greatest honor that can darsegli: is the work that most reduces the forces of hell, that makes the souls in purgatory greater suffrage, that most appeases the wrath of God against sinners, and that brings the greatest good to the people of this land.
If you are promised that God will ask what in the name of Jesus, everything will get: It quid petieritis Patrem in nomine meo, dabit vobis: the more we have this hope, offering the same Jesus? This is our loving Redeemer sky is constantly interceding for us: Here interpellat etiam pro nobis. But that does especially in time of the Mass, in which he, even at this end of win for us, presents himself to the Father at the hands of the priest. If we knew that all the saints with the Mother of God pray for us, what confidence do not conceive them to our advantage? but it is certain that a single prayer of Jesus Christ can infinitely more than all the prayers of 'saints. Poor us sinners, if there was this sacrifice that appeases the Lord! Huius quippe oblatione placatus Dominus gratiam et donum pœnitentiæ concedens, crimes et peccata etiam large dimittit says Trent. In somma, siccome la passione di Gesù Cristo bastò a salvare tutto il mondo, così basta a salvarlo una sola messa; che però il sacerdote nell'oblazione del calice dice: Offerimus tibi, Domine, calicem nostra et totius mundi salute.
La messa è il più buono e più bello della chiesa, secondo predisse il profeta: Quid enim bonum eius est, et quid pulchrum eius, nisi frumentum electorum et vinum germinans virgines? Poiché nella messa il Verbo incarnato si sacrifica all'eterno Padre e si dona a noi nel sagramento dell'eucaristia, il quale è il fine e lo scopo di quasi tutti gli altri sacramenti, come insegna l'angelico: Fere omnia in sacramental eucharistia consummantur. To says s. Bonaventure, who is putting the work in which God puts us on the eyes all the love that has brought us, and is a compendium of all the kindnesses that made us: East Memorial dilectionis suæ totius, et quasi compendium quoddam beneficiorum omnium suorum. And so the devil has brought more and take away from the world through the development of the heretics, making them precursors of the Antichrist, who, before anything else, will procure to abolish, and the facts fail to abolish, in pain of 'sins of men, the holy sacrifice of the altar, just what Daniel predicted: Robur autem datum est contra and iuge sacrificium propter peccata .

says the same s. Bonaventure that God does not put in any less benefit to the world of what made that incarnate that: not minus Deus facere videtur in hoc quod Quotidie dignatur descending super altar, quam cum naturam assumpsit humani generis. So, as the doctors say, if ever there was still the world Jesus Christ, the priest would put it to you with utter form of Consagra, the famous second sentence of s. Augustine, who wrote: O venerable sacerdotum dignitas, in quorum Manibus Velut in utero Virginis Filius Dei incarnatur!
Furthermore, since no other sacrifice the altar, that the application and the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross teaches the angel who brings a mass of men all the same goods and health that brought the sacrifice of the cross: In qualibet missa invenitur omnis fructus, quem Christus operatus est in cruce. Quiquid effectus Dominicae passionis east, east effectus huius sacrifices. The same Chrysostom wrote: celebratio Missae Tantum valet, valet quantum mors Christi in cruce . And most of what assures us that the s. Church, saying: Quoties huius hostiæ commemoratio recolitur, opus nostrae toties Redemptionis exercetur. Since the same Savior that you offer to us on the cross is sacrificed the altar by means of 'priests, as we said the Trent: A ædemque enim est hostia, idem nunc offerens sacerdotis ministry, here in cruce se ipsum obtulit, ratione offer that's only different. and so, for the sacrifice of the altar shall apply to us the sacrifice of the cross. The Passion of Jesus Christ fe 'capable of redemption, a Mass there and put in possession is that we enjoy it' its own merits.
place so that the development is the most holy and divine that we could be, appears well, says the Council of Trent, which ought to take all due diligence, so that such a sacrifice to be celebrated with the greatest inner purity and devotion outside the opportunity to: Satis etiam omnem apparet operam ponendam them in eo, ut how proud maxima interior cordis munditia potest, atque Pools devotion ac pietatis peragatur species. It says that the curse against those who burnt by Jeremiah negligently ordered to carry out the duties of divine worship, here maledictus homo facit opus Dei negligenter , specifically pertains to 'the priests who celebrate mass with irreverence, which among all actions that can man do to honor his Creator, is the largest and most excellent, adding that such irreverence is difficult to unaccompanied dall'empietà: quae ab pitiless vix potest seiuncta they are precisely the words the council.
therefore order that the priest avoided so great irreverence, and together the divine curse, Let 's see who has to go before we celebrate, it has to do to celebrate, and that after the celebration. Before celebrating the device is required. Ought to use in celebrating the reverence due. After celebrating, the goddesses do thanks.

ascetic works, in "Works of St. Alfonso Maria de Liguori, "Pier Giacinto Marietti, Vol III, pp. 832 to 864, Torino 1880

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Friday, January 7, 2011

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The Mass in Bari EF

From next Sunday, January 9, festive Mass in Latin Gregorian form in Bari again be celebrated in the morning every Sunday and holy days of obligation at 10:00 am in the Church of St. Joseph in the village old.

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Wikileaks: sprouting and also gold galleon Pissarro canvas

The treasure of a English galleon and an impressionist painting ended up in the middle of a legal dispute between Odyssey Marine Exploration, a hunter of sunken treasure, and the English Government . The Odyssey has agreed to use court in a dispatch published by Wikileaks, where the American ambassador in Madrid would offer its support to the English government in litigation over a $ 500 million treasure of gold and silver, with its open 'americana.In exchange company, say lawyers for the Odyssey, Spain would have given the American diplomat to return to his interest in USA in a painting by Camille Pissarro in 1897, valued at over $ 20 million, a Californian family be his claims was stolen by the Nazis in Germany during the Second World War. "Based on the evidence available so far, we are quite concerned," said the CEO of Odyssey, Greg Stemm, recalling that in the course of the Ministry of Justice and Eric Holder have the same amount of support to the demands of the English authorities, who claim the rights to the treasure recovered from the U.S. in 2007, and found inside a English galleon sunk in Portuguese waters.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Absessed Tooth And Bells Palsy

publish below a letter written to his pastor from a reader which raises the question of the "novus ordo well celebrated." We then asked prof. Vito Abbruzzi a short comment.

Dear Pastor,
I swear, without any provocative intent, but - thanks to the fact that I would consider what I say - I really want a sincere advice than you told me about the preference that we have in participating in the Holy Mysteries in the parish community to which we belong (without being "stateless").
Then, I'll take the example of today.
The chorus of infants with (only) guitars and songs that speak of everything except the mystery, including "Hallelujah" and "Ghost" stadium with the gestures of evangelical Pentecostals, do not consider it because I understand that this is me and I have to keep.
But - damn! - Today was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Mass had everything covered except for this one! (The Eucharistic Sacrifice, in fact, has already disappeared from the horizon of most of the faithful, given that not even kneel down and continue to chew gum and turn off cell phones as if nothing had happened, unaware of being in the presence of the Logos made bread from their mouths to eat ... always if you do not take it with your hands to make who knows ...).
fact had the priority, in order:
- the day of the diocesan vocations and seminary;
- the day of the membership of the Catholic
- the presentation of candidates for Confirmation (the parish where I was) ...
Ergo, all we talked about in the homily for the Solemnity except that the universal Church celebrates today! (Moreover, after a few minutes Homily - seminar, vocations Catholic action - the celebrant has left the microphone to two seminarians for two testimonials ... which, however, I feel absolutely forbidden).
short, a disaster. Really the series "How go to Mass and do not lose faith " (as the title of the latest book by Nicola Bux).
front of these things as not understanding (or rather, worse, condemn) those who "run away" (and I assure you that all over the world are increasingly) to the ancient rite (even if we know that in reality the novus ordo is not well celebrated what they just saw)?
And I assure you, to direct knowledge, that I was unlucky this "show" was aired in many parishes Wednesday and many of the faithful in the Church where I was as well as in others, have experienced the same discomfort.
aside the choice of the wicked priest to focus all these "events" in a Mass (and formal), making it a sort of variety of Italian television Saturday night, where many artists succeed on the stage (and all ' Single Artist leaving in the end, the remaining time before you take away the line, some scrap of attention), I wonder if we really "Agenda" of the local church, even super-local associations, can have so much leadership on the "agenda" of the universal Church. In all honesty, I think not. Considering also that the Solemnity of the Catholic Church today is one of the most important year for several reasons.
I confess that at one point of the homily (specifically the second seminarians that the testimony of witness was not because of anything he spoke at random) I thought I'd get up and leave to attend another Mass later in the day. I did not only not to give any "Scandal" to other believers.
Now, I do not want to ask you to speak ill of the brother or the parish or the association; what you want to ask is: why should I have your opinion, in these real "torture"? Because it would be unfair for example that I participate in some other priest who celebrates Mass in another parish, including the ancient rite, if they find it more spiritual nourishment? It is perhaps one of the first rules of spiritual discernment that asks us to verify the presence of spiritual consolation and desolation, as only the first is certainly true in the sense from God?
As you see I do not despise what you say, indeed, I keep thinking about it. However, I still do not understand it. Or rather, I understand it in its assiomaticità, abstract (in theory each of us should live in their own communities), but the reality into account the pattern does not hold. Why do I need to dry up spiritually and "blood acid" (movements that are most likely are not inspired by God) by participating in such Masses?
In Jesu et Maria

A legitimate question
Vito Abbruzzi

Francis asks what is the preference that we have in participating in the SS. Mysteries in the parish community to which we belong (without being 'stateless'). "
His is a legitimate question, post "without any provocative intent." Legitimate because it does not want to harm the "communion with the Church" that communion, as states the same Code of Canon Law (CIC), "the faithful are obliged ( adstringuntur obligation) to preserve forever, even in their own way of acting" (Canon 209 § 1). Is in the name of this legitimacy that "the faithful have the right to demonstrate to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires" (Can. 212, § 2). That would amount to "necessity" and "wishes" that can not be dismissed, since "the faithful have the right to worship God according to the provisions of their own rite approved by the legitimate pastors of the Church and to follow their own method of life spiritual, but it should be in accordance with the doctrine of the Church "(Can. 214).
Ergo, Francis - like any other faithful - could very freely choose a church that knows where to go to Mass, not only does not run the risk of losing their faith, but makes you even buy. But is it right that he does this "their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires" - as the CIC - the first of his pastor, who, valuing them with intelligence, will realize the goodness of them. After all, you need our priests is a good school of marketing (as well as homiletics) is alone would realize that the true trump card - even in economic terms - lies in offering a wider range liturgy, including the celebration of Mass and other sacraments in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. Beat, so the competition other colleagues who willingly accept "those who - in the words of Francis - 'escape' [...] to the ancient rite."