Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby Dragon Ball Yaoi


Don Peppino and I quote Don Gaetano Luca

I nterrogativo of regret ; as saying: " shame that we take advantage of enough time to make education celebration of God's people."
But having said so, the risk of sounding like all the negative feedback on the commitment and efforts by the shepherds in receiving care many practicing Catholics who continue to crowd into a thousand different circumstances of their churches as if they were not already being educated, and more!
Regrets, in truth, it seems justified at least an elementary reading "cross" of the facts: how many people are still attending our meetings and celebratory yet still much religious ignorance among adults and young people of our enough to justify, even in religious matters, the term "illiteracy". How to say " more we keep them in church and not come trained."
But ... why do not we educate celebrating?
Question of provocation, as if to say try enabling as "educators" in places where the faithful, instead of desert, and without being asked, much less forced, but because of previous religious education, continue to crowd our churches for some mysterious reasons, some understandable especially to theologians to popular religious enthusiasts! So why do not we try to exploit " pedagogically " the many liturgical appointments still so rushed? From festive masses to those working from the triduums novenas from the funeral and thirtieth anniversaries, from weddings to the wedding of gold and silver, from christenings to first communions, and in every parish run every month (more than once per month) thousands of the faithful for at least 45 minutes! Nor is it a great idea!
already in the guidelines of the early millennium, the Italian bishops stated: "The Eucharistic celebration will be very significant place in the education mission of the community Christian ... There is an urgency to clarify the significance of the liturgy which place educational and revelatory " (CEI, Communicating the Gospel in a changing world , 49).
And so the new guidelines reiterate: "The liturgy is permanent school training around the Risen Lord," and educational site known "where faith takes form and is transmitted ... Among the many actions taken by the parish, "none is as vital and community-forming as the Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist" " (CEI, Educating the good life of the Gospel , 39).
And Benedict XVI, in his chapter of Sacramentum Caritatis dedicated to celebrating the acutely accurate and "pedagogically" "... the result is the mature mystagogy awareness that one's life is gradually transformed from the sacred mysteries celebrated. The aim of all Christian education, moreover, is true to form, as "new man" to an adult faith that enables him to testify in their own environment to the Christian hope that inspires " ( Sacramentum Caritatis, 64).
Then, it would be so strange that, in the decade dedicated to 'educating , enable them to think, priests and laity in the art of celebrating ? It is strange that this editorial on 'educating celebrating " be signed by two directors, one of the Catechetical Office and the Office Liturgical?
the answer to our readers.

(from Commitment , periodic information from the diocese Conversano-Monopoli, year 15, No. 10, December 2010, p. 1 )


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