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St. Alphonsus Maria de 'Liguori

Never any priest says Mass with the devotion due, if not the respect that it deserves such a sacrifice. It is certain that a man can not make a more more holy and sublime, which celebrate a Mass: nullum aliud opus, says the Council of Trent, in adeo sanctum Christi fidelibus tractari posse, quam hoc mysterium tremendum. God himself can not do that there is action in the world's largest, which celebrated the mass.
All ancient sacrifices, which was so honored God, were but a shadow and figure of our sacrifice of the altar. All the honors that have data and never give to God's Angels co 'ossequj them, and men with their works, penance and torment, nor may not have been able to come to give so much glory to the Lord, how many daughters he gives only one Mass; while all the honors of the creatures are honors finished, but the honor that God receives the sacrifice of the altar, there venendogli offer a victim of infinite value, it is an honor to infinity. The development is therefore an action that goes to God the greatest honor that can darsegli: is the work that most reduces the forces of hell, that makes the souls in purgatory greater suffrage, that most appeases the wrath of God against sinners, and that brings the greatest good to the people of this land.
If you are promised that God will ask what in the name of Jesus, everything will get: It quid petieritis Patrem in nomine meo, dabit vobis: the more we have this hope, offering the same Jesus? This is our loving Redeemer sky is constantly interceding for us: Here interpellat etiam pro nobis. But that does especially in time of the Mass, in which he, even at this end of win for us, presents himself to the Father at the hands of the priest. If we knew that all the saints with the Mother of God pray for us, what confidence do not conceive them to our advantage? but it is certain that a single prayer of Jesus Christ can infinitely more than all the prayers of 'saints. Poor us sinners, if there was this sacrifice that appeases the Lord! Huius quippe oblatione placatus Dominus gratiam et donum pœnitentiæ concedens, crimes et peccata etiam large dimittit says Trent. In somma, siccome la passione di Gesù Cristo bastò a salvare tutto il mondo, così basta a salvarlo una sola messa; che però il sacerdote nell'oblazione del calice dice: Offerimus tibi, Domine, calicem nostra et totius mundi salute.
La messa è il più buono e più bello della chiesa, secondo predisse il profeta: Quid enim bonum eius est, et quid pulchrum eius, nisi frumentum electorum et vinum germinans virgines? Poiché nella messa il Verbo incarnato si sacrifica all'eterno Padre e si dona a noi nel sagramento dell'eucaristia, il quale è il fine e lo scopo di quasi tutti gli altri sacramenti, come insegna l'angelico: Fere omnia in sacramental eucharistia consummantur. To says s. Bonaventure, who is putting the work in which God puts us on the eyes all the love that has brought us, and is a compendium of all the kindnesses that made us: East Memorial dilectionis suæ totius, et quasi compendium quoddam beneficiorum omnium suorum. And so the devil has brought more and take away from the world through the development of the heretics, making them precursors of the Antichrist, who, before anything else, will procure to abolish, and the facts fail to abolish, in pain of 'sins of men, the holy sacrifice of the altar, just what Daniel predicted: Robur autem datum est contra and iuge sacrificium propter peccata .

says the same s. Bonaventure that God does not put in any less benefit to the world of what made that incarnate that: not minus Deus facere videtur in hoc quod Quotidie dignatur descending super altar, quam cum naturam assumpsit humani generis. So, as the doctors say, if ever there was still the world Jesus Christ, the priest would put it to you with utter form of Consagra, the famous second sentence of s. Augustine, who wrote: O venerable sacerdotum dignitas, in quorum Manibus Velut in utero Virginis Filius Dei incarnatur!
Furthermore, since no other sacrifice the altar, that the application and the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross teaches the angel who brings a mass of men all the same goods and health that brought the sacrifice of the cross: In qualibet missa invenitur omnis fructus, quem Christus operatus est in cruce. Quiquid effectus Dominicae passionis east, east effectus huius sacrifices. The same Chrysostom wrote: celebratio Missae Tantum valet, valet quantum mors Christi in cruce . And most of what assures us that the s. Church, saying: Quoties huius hostiæ commemoratio recolitur, opus nostrae toties Redemptionis exercetur. Since the same Savior that you offer to us on the cross is sacrificed the altar by means of 'priests, as we said the Trent: A ædemque enim est hostia, idem nunc offerens sacerdotis ministry, here in cruce se ipsum obtulit, ratione offer that's only different. and so, for the sacrifice of the altar shall apply to us the sacrifice of the cross. The Passion of Jesus Christ fe 'capable of redemption, a Mass there and put in possession is that we enjoy it' its own merits.
place so that the development is the most holy and divine that we could be, appears well, says the Council of Trent, which ought to take all due diligence, so that such a sacrifice to be celebrated with the greatest inner purity and devotion outside the opportunity to: Satis etiam omnem apparet operam ponendam them in eo, ut how proud maxima interior cordis munditia potest, atque Pools devotion ac pietatis peragatur species. It says that the curse against those who burnt by Jeremiah negligently ordered to carry out the duties of divine worship, here maledictus homo facit opus Dei negligenter , specifically pertains to 'the priests who celebrate mass with irreverence, which among all actions that can man do to honor his Creator, is the largest and most excellent, adding that such irreverence is difficult to unaccompanied dall'empietà: quae ab pitiless vix potest seiuncta they are precisely the words the council.
therefore order that the priest avoided so great irreverence, and together the divine curse, Let 's see who has to go before we celebrate, it has to do to celebrate, and that after the celebration. Before celebrating the device is required. Ought to use in celebrating the reverence due. After celebrating, the goddesses do thanks.

ascetic works, in "Works of St. Alfonso Maria de Liguori, "Pier Giacinto Marietti, Vol III, pp. 832 to 864, Torino 1880


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