Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kate's Playground Mobile Vids

And if there comes to mind to criticize the 'Square Watches: Beware Vol

Purchase art for the Town Hall clock.
Date 14/10/2010
year two thousand and the fourteenth day of the month of October at at 13:30 in the assembly hall
usual met the town council with the assistance of Mr.:
Join the Municipal Secretary, Dr. Rachel Caristi
Chairman: Mayor Mr. Amedeo Arcodia.
/ AA.GG.
Date 12/10/2010 Purchase
clock Art for City Hall. Allocation amounts .-
 that the City, is a country rich in history, art, monuments and churches,
attracts many tourists who 
for its medieval center has been included amongst
the most beautiful towns of Italy;
 that the purpose of this Administration is to beautify the appearance of this little old town
 that for this purpose, the Town Hall is to provide a clock artistic
 that a survey of the cost of the watch market amounts to €
presumably 4500.00;
duty to ensure the purchase of a watch to be included in the facade of the Palazzo Comunale

2) to allocate for this purpose the Head of the General Affairs and the total sum of € 4500.00
noting that the same may be covered intervention code 2090101 / 3
the budget for the current executive law. The Municipal Secretary Dr. Rachel Caristi

... Greetings!


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