Friday, February 4, 2011

Adjust Gas Pressure On A Furnace

Alessandro Voltolina

Dedicated to those that tell of the islands ... and those who read them.

The islands of which I speak are the islands that are located in the great sea of \u200b\u200bstories, novels, stories.
I followed the order of the alphabet with the presumption of giving way to a isolario that then everyone will be able to complete ... if you think
isolario A, which is a bit 'Atlas and a bit' Anthology of the islands, an archipelago
of words ... the pictures in our heads that is midway between the fact and fiction, between reality and fantasy.
Geographers love the islands, as in general love to all the places that are metaphors of the earth.
Images that are beyond the geographical fact.
Geographers love icy places, such as poles and glaciers
Amano deserts
They love the sea
And the city is close to the labyrinth that more and more dear to him
So I'm not a geographer, I went to loot their suitcase packed for a trip to the islands and I have stolen ideas and words.
I owe Fabio Lando, Franco Farinelli, a Turkish Angelo, Massimo Quaini, Denis Cosgrove Claudio Minca and so many other things that I can say.

A as ...
A for Arthur, one of the most beautiful islands I have bed. Meanwhile, because the island of Morante there still appears as an island intact, an island photographed in 1957, and it is not disturbed by the crowds of tourists.
Today these islands are becoming less insular because modernity is a jealous God who reaches out to its control anywhere in the world.
Tourism said its terms, or rather its blackmail. Which is known to all. If you want me to lose something of yours.
Fortunately the island at the time of Arturo can still afford the luxury of being the island of training, maturation, a happy island native who is the source for Arturo any spatial experience. But it is an incomplete experience.
The boundary of that experience is the coastline, the line separating the land from the sea.
The border as all borders should be torn to go beyond
Rend the border in a city is easier sometimes just to cross a road and there is more beyond.
island, everything is more complicated.
But it did. Arthur breaks the shell first and then proceed to the Pillars of Hercules and the knowledge of the world.

B as ...
Ben Gunn, Treasure Island, which for three years, three long years, was the island of Ben Gunn.
Ben Gunn is imprisoned on the island, as Edmond Dantes, Count of Monte Cristo. ...
Like Napoleon at St. Helena. Being imprisoned in an island is not, was not an event for just the opposite.
Asinara, Elba, Procida, Ventotene, Bald Island (Goli Otok other Dalmatian island of Titus) Pianosa, Devil's Island in Guyana are just some of the islands used as a concentration camp violent universe. The best known is that Sakhalin has become thanks to the famous guide to Chekhov 's very image of the island prison.

The rest of the earth is far away, unreachable and the free space surrounding the water space that is infinite,
but is not available for freedom and even , its indefinite extension increases the suffering of inmates.

C like ...
C as paper, as a map, of course.
We remain with Ben Gunn and Stevenson.e with Treasure Island.
The island is remote, the island is inaccessible, unobtainable without clear guidance. Here is the paper that appears: latitude, longitude, size, shape ... everything is summed up in the paper.
The island then there is the map. The paper proves the existence of the island. In the paper we are the qualities of the island hidden in the symbols, the legend gives voice to the appropriate blank paper that will become reality. The map of the island, at this point becomes a great place in a real place: because there is no paper. "The paper is not the territory" Bateson would say true! Ben Gunn spoke about moving the treasure land elsewhere. He has given to the island territory of its new organization and so the paper map, can take elsewhere.

D as
Island-The deserted desert island is the island of cartoons of the week puzzles.
one where the drives can finally liberamente.Dove occur beyond the conventions and constraints. A sort of Eden.
not last long though.
Then the social model that you take with you, it advocates, it is almost inevitable.
Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe) arrives shipwrecked, like Ulysses asks Nausicaa, cos' Robinson pleads the island to give him a living.
Gather fruits, eat, cover.
Then abandons the habit of wearing one of those who implore and exploring.
The roles are reversed.
Robinson said the conditions the island: tills, ara, grow .. construct reifies the territory in a short time ... traces the history of man ... just insert the variable time ... in a hurry to be the master of the island.
The island is not deserted,
the construction of the territory sealed the loss of the condition of freedom

L as
L as a laboratory. Many islands are very popular and used in the laboratory. The latest is of course Jurassic Park island laboratory is not a happy ending. Still more famous are the islands laboratory fate by the waters of the Renaissance. Even in this context I try to say something about philosophers of Utopia, New Atlantis up on City of the Sun. I note only that the utopian performs an operation nearby, somehow, that which makes the geographer. The utopian island built in his laboratory a world model that works better than the other. To do this is to describe the nature of the land in a convincing way, cards can not cheat by passing off too benign nature that does not convince anyone. Its territorial reality can be real enough to contain the utopia. So must also the geographer: to take in the territorial organization the synthesis that binds man to the ground.

I like .. I know that I'm wrong, but I had to get to Ithaca ...

I like Ithaca, of course
But even as insiders and outsiders important words for those geographers who dealing with
assess the state of health that exists between man and earth.
The outsider watching from outside the Ithaca
The fixed the notes, the studying
Board shall appoint the special
states characters
The picture sets and maps
The outsider's eye works like a satellite watching us all the time
As the eye of the Cyclops that searches us from above.
Insider Ithaca does not see it either ... does not see it because he lives.


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