Friday, February 11, 2011

White Snot In Hot Tub

why Assange revealed that Berlusconi is our interests ... Beautiful

In one of many "leaks" is revealed irritation to the U.S. designed and fruitful relations between Italy and Russia, and in particular the close friendship between Putin and Berlusconi.
some revelations in the Middle East (Yemen / USA, Egypt / al-Fatah-Israel military operation "Lead Time") can create serious repercussions. For the rest, as specifically as stated in the NYT and the sheet, many of those alleged revelations had already been presented in the magazines. The real difference was that they were accompanied by cmq alleged gossip ... I personally thank Assange because it made me realize that Silvio Berlusconi is really my interests, the interests of the Italian State.
I understand the irritation of those who always ideologically against the government, is unclear climb on alleged links between ENI and Gazprom. The friendship between SB and
VPutin has brought enormous benefits to Italy, especially in business.
This is the real hassle of Americans, because they usually want the NATO states that are in line with its policy and see it as potentially harmful to any relationship that does not meet their needs. The exchange
Russia / Italy from 1998 to 2008 has increased by 230% accurate by 2.7000000000 to 9.5000000000 dollars.
When Gazprom wanted to incorporate a small company ENI, Gazpromneft, in its assets, intervened SB that urged him to reconsider the terms of that seemed too burdensome for Italy.
VP and SB during the Georgian crisis has been felt on the phone every day and tells Spogli, the American ambassador.
The real reason for dissatisfaction on the part of Americans, is that Italy should participate in the Nabucco pipeline project, where the American presence in the share of the project is relevant. Too bad that Nabucco has to pass the border of Iran to supply gas to that fact: nice way to diversify in times of embargo!
The policy manuals energy, where the word for politics is geopolitics, we suggest that in fact Russia is not so omnipotent as it seems (to use your words).
fact, the pipeline, South Stream or Nabucco is not binding only buyers but also manufacturers because it generates a flow of movements going to impact on the balance of payments.
I therefore, beyond the sterile polemics on the role of the SB, that our action in this respect has been healthy since, focusing on gas, reduces the power of 'OPEC and countries like Iran and Venezuela.
And believe me, I'd trust more than a Europeanized Ukraine and destabilizing Iran under international embargo.
I do not think instead of the predominant role of SB in the Georgian conflict. Li 'did the bulk Sarkozy, the first real test of his term in the field of "international crisis" had all the desire to convince Putin and Sahashvili not to force the rope and succeeded (remember the short visit that France did in Russia).
Russia is flexing its muscle and Georgia is inadequate because he knew that at the end of Bush term (we were running out) would not ensure the necessary cover to some ill-advised shot.
When you claim that "I tend to think that having two competing gaseodotti can be a good solution in terms of competition," say the truth that implies another truth that underpins Berlusconi's thesis: Libya. Why having a "third source" and thus diversifying our supplies, we will be more "independent" and less "blackmailed" by his friend Putin to turn.
E 'plus really odd that we focus exclusively on the relationship when the real SB-VP is a Putin spokesman Gerard Shroeder who already at the time of Prime Minister described his relationship with Putin a "mannerfreundshaften, a friendship between gentlemen "and having even adopted a Russian girl, declared that" Vladimir Putin is a democrat to 100%. "
PS As to your note of sincere interest in SB for Italy, I answer by telling you I'd rather avoid having the emphasize one thing that should be obvious ... but if we are forced once again to emphasize this is obvious because the reformist press and the opposition do not recognize it as extremist.
So if they attribute it to him and acknowledge him individually, we would not need these unnecessary details about the genuine interest of SB for the energy issues.

exchange with Stefano Gatto, Jefe de Misión (Encargado de negocios) at Delegación de la Unión Europea en El Salvador. (Which translated is the delegate for business negotiations with El Salvador's diplomatic representative of the EU).


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