Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Period After Giving Birth Last Long

Nobody writes anything ...?

pm For Palermo, Giovanni Conso (which, in the aftermath of the attacks of Mafia, surrendered to their threat and authorized the cancellation of the prison term - the 41a - 140 to Mafia bosses in prison dell'Ucciardone) said that the decision was taken "in isolation" from him "so that there were other massacres."
is impossible for a minister of justice of the Ciampi government can take such a decision alone. And in any case, his motivation unfortunately confirms that, for fear the worst, rather than raise the defense by the State has satisfied the Mafia.
In a normal country would break up a santabarbara this admission. But Ciampi does not attract lightning. (Italy today).

E 'truly outrageous that no militant antiberlusconiano write something about it. all silent, and yet they were smashing squash squash Italy with a couple of measures.
The truth is that there has been no repentance, or rather, did not use any regret that he was willing to invent the story of Berlusconi, who, before going into politics, he asks to cancel the measures Conso: I am the vomiting ... it's stronger than me, I do not know nanananananana cantiamoci above ...


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