Saturday, November 20, 2010

For My Daughter 3rd Birthday Saying

Determination Teutonic

half of Europe, including Italy, have it with Chancellor Angela Merkel.
latter is accused of demanding austerity, severity and stability of public finances in the euro-zone countries. In turn, states are defending themselves by saying that Germany has always been the main economic engine European and strong supporter of the accounts in order, took advantage of his strength to force a weak euro to breathe their businesses to the world number one volume and quantity of goods exported.
would be so, we should also benefit as we are only seconds behind them for the amount of exports, yet the difference between us and them is abysmal.
One of the fears of Germany arose from the fact that once the states enter into crisis, according to the agreements torn Italy, Spain, Portogalllo, Greece, Ireland and France Ecofin, where he created a European fund was saved to withstand the difficulties, is the fund that would intervene and the fund is financed states in proportion to the value of GDP produced .. more then the other from Germany! Why should the German taxpayer pay for mistakes and laxity of the other European governments?
The truth is that with the current crisis of the states that seems to stop rather nom is powered by the new Irish crisis, governments have let go a little too much to their accounts breached the public deficit / GDP ratio.
This is true and Merkel is right on this because if we really euro then finances must be put in place to attract the confidence of the markets.
In Italy's case, for example, Merkel rightly criticize us because in the 18 years since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, we started with a ratio of debt to GDP ratio to 108% and we got to the current 118% despite the 14 points THANKS TO PRIVATIZATION OF RECESSED GDP in recent years.

Yet another German miracle

To better understand the reasons for Merkel just go to ford the sacrifices and efforts of this country in recent years.
The 2008 crisis has hit Germany as all states but the truth that the Germans had already put so much hay in the barn over the years.
Just think that as recently as 2004/05, Germany has accumulated 5 million unemployed because he has decided to relocate the industries with a high rate of labor to the east or even investing abroad But on a highly tecnnologico and high demand for skilled personnel.
What seemed crazy at that time and in fact the then Chancellor Scroeder a clear advantage to the lessons he left the country in a sort of balanced political / electoral discontent caused by the fact half of Germany.
Now Germany has about 3 million people unemployed, according to available data, the lowest number for 18 years now.
why now the Germans, from their own security, I teach austerity and discipline!


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