Wednesday, November 24, 2010

High Frequency For Facial

Fishermen found on the bed of a river

Two fishermen found a pound of gold jewelry ancient, buried on the river bottom. Experts believe that the jewels could be about 2,000 years ago.
The young people said they found the treasure while fishing in the river Bakhtemir in the Astrakhan region of Russia. What used to be but just a shiny object turned out to be an old bracelet and a necklace.
The necklace is decorated with an animal lying down, like a cat and a spiral bracelet in the same style.
They added that the flow of the river may have destroyed a burial place from the fourth century BC to first century AD.
The fishermen, who delivered the jewelry found with the authorities, will receive a prize that could reach up to 50 per cent of the value of the treasure.
The evaluation of the jewels is yet to be determined, while the bracelet and necklace were delivered to the museum in Astrakhan.


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