Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spinning Bike Squeaking

From now on we will write down all poor people killed ...

dinner with friends I came across a discussion which fortunately did not last long because the atmosphere was overheating and the status of invited not allowed go outside the lines.
I found myself debating with dear people about Islam and the clash of civilizations real or perceived place in society of the contemporary world.
version of the guests was very soft and tolerant towards Islam and the religion of the Arab states, arguing that the issue of violence / terrorism is nothing but an interpretation of the few bad compared to many of the good.
The discussion could not be deeper because we needed still many opinioi to frame our thinking. In any case, it was understood already in the premise that we went on different tracks and separate.
The thing that struck me most is that you tried to minimize, almost denying the persecution that is continuously implemented in the Muslim-majority states: that the Danish cartoons was wrong, that the threats to Magdhi Allam both works of a few fanatics, etc ... etc ...
I had the impression that it would give an almost exculpatory dictated and justified by the different conditions of life, from the profound cultural diversity, etc. .. etc. ...
Obviously I will not dwell too because it would not be fair to the friends if they read and could add other things that were said about it. So with this blog, thanks to the blog, from now on will be launching virtual calls for you to emphasize the conditions that Christians suffer in the Muslim world. Now
and omit the other hundreds of previous cases but not undeserving of our compassion and utter prayer, you begin to ask for the freedom of Asia Bibi.
Asia Bibi was accused by a Pakistani court for blasphemy, a crime in the Pakistan Penal Code and in almost all codes of Muslim states.
Asia was first defined as "unclean" that is not Muslim and is then accused of insulting Muhammad then beaten and imprisoned and tortured if you do not know (but now that we can not even exclude them altogether).
Rome mayor Gianni Alemanno has proposed to launch an initiative in this regard and the Pope has already issued its warning.
Article. 285 of the Penal Code of these schemes is only an excuse, an instrument in the hands of governments to eliminate religious minorities and there are international organizations which reported that 85% of the allegations turn out to be false and unfounded.
There are not only the Islamic regimes in the head of these persecutions, such schemes should also mention Cuba or China that are of state atheism its religion.
always remember the words in the gospel, "as they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you" and again " Blessed are you when they persecute you and utter evil of you because of me "


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