Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Steve Prefontaine Sweatshirt

Answering Lucia Maroni up Saviano and

hello Lu,
excuse if they are writing long-winded but I have not noticed the number of characters, and so I had to do a separate post (you know when I speak)!
a blogger (again if I really can identify as such) does not necessarily has to check the veracity of what he writes because it is not a journalist, not working for anyone but for his readers. If
crap shoot that he takes full responsibility and is no longer read. So
not necessarily be followed by a drive-to-skin does not like, but for that to take advantage of the blog wrote that the transmission in vogue and watched by 9 million people, he does not like!
Maroni has done well to challenge Saviano. Before the arrested Iovine, his worst enemy, and then went on to say that if he knows the names and surnames of people colluding, in league administrators, officials of the party's supporters talk, say so openly, go to a prosecutor and say that is because everyone knows the North n'drangheta From moment to moment even Grillo told him: "Roberto do at least half as short!
repeat that to me is not sorry at all that the wise would say, however, my dear Lucy, when you talk on TV you have to be careful what you say because even accidentally "induce" the viewer to think, think, think the line you want to be implied you move (mutually Galasso docet).
It 'just amazing how you use the term "tax" in a one-way transmission, and Welby Coscioni with one hand, with all the star system of progressive comedians strictly fun but strictly antiberlusconiani, Saviano with Mayor of Italy that gives a blow to Berlusconi and the other to Berlusconi.
When there is only one, against the current, which means his own, here's that this is "imposed" really unusual, really.
not about the political color of Saviano, even if, as Nando, I know that you mounted the head when he met at his own reluctance, the popularity.
You say: "I do not think his people with regard to both the left."
Cara Lucia, just to go and see the amount of calls and signatures gathered under his leadership with the "Republic", a newspaper of the right ... of course!
about my president, who is also yours unless you deny to be Italian, it is true that he does not like the adversarial because it is a presumptuous and arrogant nell'interloquire in a debate but the fact remains, however, that if instead I had to compare with those at the first opportunity I apostrophe as stragista, mafia, murderess , thief, even I would think ...

Sciascia and finish up the old controversy of "professionals" (see above http://www.italialibri.net/dossier/mafia/professionistiantimafia.html).
Leonardo Sciascia in his article in Corriere della Sera in January 1987 made the names of some judges who had received certain favors from the right point of reference for senior positions in the most important proxies of the country. Among these he gave the name of a certain Paolo Emanuele Borsellino who got the assignment for "seniority" in the prosecution of Marsala. Sciascia's goal was not Borsellino, because the writer, there was just an opportunity, in a public meeting, it became clear and the two reconciled because Borsellino by intelligent man understood the true target of Sciascia but now the press, the echo The scandal had taken hold across the country and spent forever the idea that there had to Sciascia Borsellino (who knows your with him then ...).
Sciascia's goal was the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) dear Lucia. Self that organization (which looks and considers herself) that works without taking into account that this is a body within the body state and not an entity unto itself.
The goal was to provoke a reaction in the environments as "high" of the judiciary so that the internal appointments were not made based on seniority but rather on merit (which, you're safe Lucia Borsellino would surely have been precisely because of the great work he had done as substitute in the great Palermo).
Borsellino did not need to be chosen by seniority, but on the contrary, thanks.
This was the objective of Sciascia, to hit the MSM and the mechanism of internal appointments. Pe strengthen the defense of the writer / debater Sicilian I noted that Adriano Sofri wrote recently about the controversy: "It should be noted that the wording of the title," the professionals ", but was not Sciascia del Corriere scandal obviously more to do, I add.
Cara Lucia, what a strange character that Sciascia, so that very prophetic to predict that CSM (which he criticized 87), Giovanni Falcone was then rejected the appointment of the chief prosecutor in Palermo and then as a superpower of attorney: The MSM, the very CSM, the entity that the writer had first of all criticized for the internal management!
Talk about the vision of the writers cursed.


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