Saturday, November 20, 2010

Royal Caribbean Garlic Soup

justicialism Italian summary

I read a short fund Fiorenza Sarzanini Corsera on Friday and I hear that Denis Verdini, coal and dangerous" gang "that been awarded contracts for reconstruction after the earthquake in Italy were given notices to appear for abuse of office.
Abuse of office is a crime of the criminal code that makes me laugh more than those who initially were challenged (rod rigging , to conspiracy to fraud ... etc. etc. ...). All
that car advertising, media, everything Italian style only to condemn and trigger the circuit media justice, the trials and tribulations of appearances with the gospel of the penal code in hand in public broadcasting, striking titles of the press not controlled by the Berlusconi regime, or any information covered by confidentiality of investigations by the courts to work out of wardens and clerks paid by the press always knowledgeable on (the fact Newspapers).
This is a striking disparity between the facts alleged by the prosecution and possible conviction.
course it will, during the investigation, the emergence of other clues they hold the defendants, and it is obvious that the newspapers tell the facts according to the narrative that more convenient.
In the meantime, however, perhaps it is better to acknowledge that it was better to go plan with the sentences issued in advance.
All this flavor of summary justice is summed up with the usual blurb at the bottom of page 15 of any daily in the "near future" to tell us precisely that man has been acquitted because "the crime does not exist or is not a crime."
In the meantime, however, 10 years earlier had been beaten on the front page pointing to him as a common criminal only because investigated. Verdini
Just to be clear and the "clique" have obtained contracts for reconstruction in emergency condition, known construction companies and perhaps an advantage for this course, but who then carried out the work that is not making money as a regular time when you looked back bridges and railways, dams and highways with a lot of concrete but declared twice.
When we speak of "conditions-emergency" is often the example of the car and rushed to the emergency room that does not stop at red traffic lights.
It 'probably come home the same fine but the traffic police in this way will accompany the car at your destination, ensuring that this is so.


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