Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sending Signals To Gay Men

Saviano and Maroni ...

I state outright that they want to take sides in between the fans and against Saviano. For me it is a person who goes all our respect, gratitude and a sense of gratitude for everything he has done and will do against the mafia.
I do not want a repetition of the same fate that befell Falcone, hated to live in death and praised by the very people who had fever and horns said and written against him. So I am sincere, honest: W Saviano et semper hours but ...
There are many things that I like and that naturally does not agree: the narcissism of television, the partiality of the monologues.
beaten when I thought I had exaggerated and when he poses as a tribune of the people with the presumption always have the truth in his pocket.
do not agree with his decision to avoid confrontation, the debate with other people in authority who know him as much as the Mafia. I am not this
Paico its stand clearly on the left to please its target population, for its part because it is under sinstra cool and be cool than be left to right, right above a Berlusconi.
I do not follow his program on television because I do not think interesting and because I'm not a regular TV watcher but I follow what goes on behind and I made my opinion.
In this post I will touch on the controversy between Saviano and the Minister Maroni.
Saviano always says things that everyone knows but no one writes and has an extraordinary ability to documentation as demonstrated by his best-selling Gomorrah.
last episode said the n'drangheta doing business in the north, especially in Lombardy, in the North so that even the Mafia is not just to the south, also in the north, in the white Lombardy there are politicians who are colluding with the mob, taking bribes, making recommendations, which pillaged the shops and businesses mainly in construction and construction.
Good to know these things despite Saviano!
But what made me the same pleasure because I'm tired of fiction, watching movies, reading novels set in Sicily and the south where they are only connected to the Mafia and southern territory in particular, to the Sicilian.
I'm tired and this once a year if there is one person who says in front of 9 million viewers and the Mafia makes clear that bargain in the north, in Milan and Lombardy, I do not think of why criminalizing Otherwise the Sicilians should boycott the "Godfather" and "Sopranos" and denounce Francis Ford Coppola!
The thing that got me going is the beast that Saviano has made the same mistake of the last episode where he put in a bad light Alfredo Galasso, showing a movie where he fought with during transmission Falcone thus inducing the viewer to think that Galasso that was one of the traitors of Alfredo Falcone when Glass was a great judge who fought the Mafia as Falcone, who defended the families of victims of Ustica and the families of the victims of the Mafia during the Maxi Trial of Palermo also trained by the famous Pool.
Saviano said, speaking of n'drangheta to the north, the Northern League pulled easily to the underworld, and was therefore Maroni, even if indirectly, called into question as an expression of that party which Saviano says he is more or less colluded , to be partly responsible for mafia infiltration in the procurement of the northern regions.
The thing I hate is that in this type of transmission there is a contradiction, another person who tells her, trying to defend themselves.
So it seems there is a process where the prosecutor but not the accused, a process media in short!
E 'is as easy as Saviano, it is easy to say that "those who have it with me is against me, those who have it with me is a one or Sandokan Schiavone and plays into the hands of criminals." So it's easy, dear Saviano. Maroni had
Now, after repeated pressure and beliefs, work hard just to get a presence that will further increase the audience and enrich the Berlusconi as Endemol, the company that produces the format, is his property, even his family and of his daughters!
Maroni had to stop the Schiavone boss to be invited and certainly ribatterà blow by blow to the accusations by the writer. But
mistreat Maroni and the League, a party that is in government, a government with the help of magistrates and military forces more than any one else has done against the Mafia, is to break the united front against the mafia doing .. Paradoxically, the game of mafia.
The same charge that turned to Leonardo Sciascia when some criticized the leadership of anti-mafia magistrates. A Sciascia's scolded criticized the fact that if the mafia, the mafia has grown.
not the same fallacy against Saviano? If criticism of the facts of the anti-mafia Maroni is not a favor to the Mafia?


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